Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Crowdfunder: Bringing early childhood education to the urban slums of Colombia

Crowdfunder: Bringing early childhood education to the urban slums of Colombia

LatinaLista —

Campaign: Tu Mundo Periodicals & Organi Co. Baby Food

One of the world’s largest slums known for its rampant levels of violence is Colombia’s Ciudad Bolivar.

Families who come to live there have been displaced from their rural homes. The shift to an urban environment is a shock for the families, as they need to adjust to the new lifestyle.

Faced with finding a source of income and feeding themselves, each day is a fight for survival.

Children in slum areas have very little or no exposure to print educational activities where they could build their fine motor, literacy, language, and logic skills. They need quality early childhood education that includes ensuring proper nutrition and access to educational materials.

With funding from the Hult Prize Foundation, a team from Montreal, Canada want to create a set of books for children in the urban slums that will focus on their development skills and prepare them for primary school.

They also are creating a partnership with an organic baby food division with a ONE-4-ALL program, where for every pouch of baby food bought, a pouch of baby food will be donated to a child in the urban slums of Colombia. Quite similar to the TOMS’ shoes concept.

All the pieces of the business are set and ready to set in motion once they are able to meet their funding goals.

The campaign’s goal is $30,000 and ends in 17 days.

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