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Crowdfunder: Chicago Public School Needs Videographer

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Campaign: Public School Needs A Videographer

Carver Military Academy is the first Chicago Public School to host a totally student-centered licensed TEDx event. This will be their 3rd consecutive year being a licensed TEDx event, but they have been faced with major budget cuts and are not able to fund important aspects of their event that really give their TEDx speakers the credit they deserve.

Their TEDx speakers are people who are even more important than the typical TEDsters…they are their students. They are passionate. They are optimistic. They are realistic. They are honest. They are inquisitive. They are Chicago. They are cadets of Carver Military Academy.

They are identified on charts and graphs as: 14 to 18 years old, 97% low income, 25.7% meeting and exceeding state tests, 47.8 % Hispanic, 50.3% Black, 1.3% White.

Even with many odds against them, these students recognize they are more than just a statistic. These students speak to the importance of particular community and social issues based on their own inquiry, investigation, and interests.

TEDxCarverMilitaryAcademy is the megaphone through which their voices are heard.

To make this TEDx as official and authentic as possible there are a few things they need funded:

Videographer for the filming of the event and editing of TEDx videos. This is a requirement for the TEDx license to remain active and it makes the night last a lifetime! Cost: $1500

T-shirts for TEDx speakers and stage crew so they can proudly represent TEDxCarverMilitaryAcademy! Cost: $300

Dinner! Since the event starts at 6 pm, they would like to feed their speakers and stage crew. In addition, they invite the families of the students to celebrate their child’s accomplishment. It really makes the event special when everyone gets to sit down over some grub before the show begins. Cost: $200

By donating to this campaign, you are empowering the youth to solve the problems that affect their communities AND share their ideas with an international audience.

In the end, you are helping to make sure our youth feel a sense of purpose in this world. What more could you ask for?

The campaign’s goal is $2,000 and ends in 16 days.

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