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Crowdfunder: Lucha Loafers

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Campaign: Lucha Loafers

Sylvia “Hustle Hard” Meza is a tattoo artist. She now wants to turn her inking talents to zapatos (shoes).

Meza is opening a store online where she will paint custom art on shoes. Meza uses acrylic paint mixed with a fabric medium, then heat-sets the entire image, finishing it with a waterproof spray.

The colors remain vivid and bright through day-to-day wear.

So far, none of her shoe designs are painted on Van’s or Converse shoes. They are all painted on Faded Glory Shoes for the simple reason that Meza cannot afford the pricier shoes to paint as models for her online store.

Funding from the campaign will allow her to paint her colorful artwork on more durable and name-brand footwear.

Meza’s campaign goal is $300 and ends on November 7.


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