Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Crowdfunding Campaign: Simpolfy – Bringing Politics into the 21st Century

Crowdfunding Campaign: Simpolfy – Bringing Politics into the 21st Century

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Campaign: Simpolfy – Bringing Politics into the 21st Century

Frustrated with Washington?

The power of the dollar has become greater than the power of the ballot, yet the two are intertwined. Why do politicians solicit funds? Typically, campaigns these days have become a battlefield to see who can spend the most money. Politicians take all their campaign money (which they spent so much effort and time to raise) and use it to purchase ads to get their constituents to vote for them.

Every election cycle, politicians try to convince voters that they will do a better job representing them than their opponent. Speeches and advertisements are often filled with little substance as politicians simultaneously try to please and not offend anyone.

After the election, voters have become used to broken promises made by representatives. Politicians are not held accountable to what they promised in their ads and speeches.

There is no way for a voter to keep track of their representatives without investing a significant amount of time. Some voters follow the news to keep track of what is going on in Washington, but the news can only give a limited view into legislation and can be biased.

Simpolfy uses questions to understand a person’s political profile and helps to easily decide whether they are for or against a bill. the site then compares the person’s positions to the voting records of their representatives, and shows how a voter actually aligns with the representatives.

With Simpolfy, citizens will be empowered to improve democracy.

The campaign’s goal is $50,000 and ends September 9.

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