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September 24, 2020

It’s a distant memory that the United States used to be a world leader in publicly condemning authoritarian leaders and sanctioning those same countries. Yet, Trump and his administration are increasingly trying to dismantle US democracy to let Trump…


September 18, 2020

Well, the Trump administration’s efforts to halt immigration into the country is seeing the fruits of their labor — to the detriment of cities; Academics admit American society teaches everyone to be a racist. The good news is we…


September 17, 2020

With so much doubt being cast on voting by mail, it’s important to arm ourselves with as much information as possible; Why did ICE try and deport a woman who reported being give a hysterectomy without her consent?; Why…


September 14, 2020

Historically, a presidential campaign centers on what that person will do differently to make the country better for everyone. Not the Trump campaign. It’s clear from his multiple Fox interviews that he has only one plan — to be…


September 9, 2020

This morning, several headlines tout the soft support Biden has among some Latinos. One of the latest polls shows Biden lagging Trump among Florida Latinos, in particular. However, the Biden campaign is drawing more displeasure from the Latino immigration…


September 2, 2020

According to Dr. Fauci, we have entered a new “Age of Pandemics.” Yet, people are still skeptical of COVID-19 death rates. One cognitive scientist explains how that’s possible; US government is pushing to get even more personal info from…


July 20, 2020

More economists are alerting the nation to all the inequities this particular recession is laying bare. From unequal opportunities in wealth-building to inequality in healthcare access, the notion that we are an equal opportunity nation is increasingly exposed as…


December 13, 2019

By now, we know that Boris Johnson has won the UK election. It’s another signal of how the world order is changing. But then again, some things never change. Like Trump’s juvenile jealousy rearing its ugly head against, this…


November 19, 2019

A new Washington Post report finds that there are less deportations under Trump than there was under Obama. Yet, that headline is deceiving considering that Trump admin has created numerous immigration policy changes; Is there a hidden Latino HIV…


October 28, 2019

Fans attending the latest World Series game had someone more to boo at than the umpire. And the crowd erupted into chants of “Lock him up” to boot; Recycling plant wants to get kids to do this with their…


October 24, 2019

U.S. immigration policy continues to be source of shame. The latest revelations about teen immigrants and a Marine Corps vet should be enough to make people realize that the term ‘immigrant’ is not an abstract concept but is all…


October 22, 2019

From Day One, Trump has continuously dumbfounded, shocked, numbed, appalled – you get the idea. Now, some smart journalists have compiled an interesting list of Trump’s first 1,000 days. Warning: it ain’t pretty!; Ok, we know immigrants assimilate into…


October 17, 2019

This morning, we sadly learn of the death of Rep. Elijah Cummings. He was a familiar face leading the fight to make Trump accountable for his words and actions. Rep. Cummings had a historical role in our nation’s history,…


October 14, 2019

Say “the wall” these days and most everyone’s thoughts go to our southern border. So much injustice, heartache and harm has been and is being done and it’s not stopping; Most people know we shouldn’t eat late at night…


October 10, 2019

As if Trump wasn’t busy enough inflicting pain on the world, he now takes aim at DREAMers and wants the Supreme Court to listen to him; Speaking of Trump, the news network he considered his personal propaganda machine just…


October 9, 2019

Headlines touting that apprehensions at the border are down are misleading. True, border apprehensions are down but the bigger story reveals a more troubling reality; Did Montgomery, Alabama just make history?!; and Feel bullied and discriminated against? There’s an…


October 8, 2019

The Supreme Court is due to rule on DACA, the lifeline for DREAMers. Who is fighting on their behalf? One group is taking the mantle in defense of these foreign-born Americans; New analysis shows what Latinos and the US…


October 7, 2019

Casually surfing Sunday morning political talk shows there was one common theme — Republicans were playing defense for Trump and lying through their teeth. Yet, by the decibel count of GOP defenders, it’s getting harder for them to sacrifice…


October 4, 2019

The outright corruption from the Oval Office and denial of its existence by the GOP leadership is stunning, sad and scary. It’s no wonder why one researcher finds that the US has discarded diplomacy in favor of this authoritarian…


October 2, 2019

The case of two bans. The difference between what FL and NY just banned couldn’t be more polar opposite and underscores how the fight for the moral soul of the country is Right vs. Left; Why watch Sunday morning…


October 1, 2019

They say Trump is feeling like he’s under siege. All we can say is welcome to the world you created for many Latinos. For example, in one US city, an undocumented man was killed by police – by mistake….


September 30, 2019

Did we really need a study to say that some Latinos pay this much of their salaries to rent?; Biden is looking otra vez to Latinos to help push him to win the nomination. Will he succeed?; and Los…