Latina Lista > News > December 16, 2021

December 16, 2021

A few days ago, I posted the McKinsey & Co report about the state of Latinos in the US. To all of us, it was nothing more than a headline. But Axios dug deeper and found reason for all Latinos to take notice; Education research found one reason why students of color are likelier to have academic challenges; LULAC just made it official. Scrap Latinx; Is the Internet spawning a new religion?; Clothing that actually releases heat?; and What’s happening in Chile? Go beyond the headlines…

Report: Latinos make $288B less than non-Hispanics annually

51 organizations call on House panel to move on Puerto Rico statehood

Black and Latino Students Are Still More Likely to Have Inexperienced Teachers, Study Says

‘Latinx’ dropped from LULAC official usage, deemed ‘very unliked’ by Latinos

Is a new kind of religion forming on the internet?

Glimpse of The Future as La Niña Raises Sea Levels in Western Pacific by Up to 20 cm

Innovative textile vents to release heat when you sweat

New AI-powered app cancels out all background noise and echoes

Mexico’s Canelo Álvarez named boxer of the year

‘Very worrying’: is a far-right radical about to take over in Chile?

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