Latina Lista > News > December 17, 2021

December 17, 2021

Upon Biden’s election, immigrant activists thought a like-minded crusader had been elected. Unfortunately, nothing but mixed messages have flowed from the White House. To be fair, some decisions have been out of control of the administration and others, well, we’re not too sure about. For example, the Senate parliamentarian’s recent decision on immigration reform and the surprisingly sudden move by the Dept. of Justice; We all know (see and feel) inflation but do you know what “Fed taper” means? We should; So, now the CDC says the J&J vaccine is not their first choice vaccine. Really?; Scientists develop a revolutionary new coating for our roofs and items we use in our daily lives that has the potential to revolutionize energy savings; and Ever following a recipe that has measurements in grams? There’s an app that not only converts those measurements but does so much more. Go beyond the headlines…

Democrats’ latest attempt at immigration reform is doomed

Justice Department breaks off talks on compensation for separated families

Meta alerts 50,000 users to targeting by ‘surveillance-for-hire’ companies

What is the Fed taper? An economist explains how the Federal Reserve withdraws stimulus from the economy

CDC recommends Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 shots over J&J’s

Solar probe reveals clues to one of the sun’s greatest mysteries

New smart-roof coating has potential to revolutionize energy savings

New iPhone/iPad app converts units of measure in real time

More than 98% of the population lives in poverty in Mexico’s 15 poorest municipalities

Bogotá launches ‘Men in Care’ schools to build more just society

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