Latina Lista > News > February 4, 2022

February 4, 2022

LatinaLista is back! I won’t bore you with details because there’s just too much happening in the news. To help get a running start on the news, check out CNN’s roundup so we can focus on some choice headlines: Subconsciously, we all knew disparities still existed in the NFL (among other sectors) where the labor force isn’t reflected in the management team. So, why does everyone act so surprised when someone calls it out?; Inflation is hitting everyone. Watch your Amazon bill if you pay for Prime membership; High-tech meets low-tech at the US border; What did researchers just develop that removes 99% of carbon dioxide from air?; and The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund just released a new app – with high aspirations. Go beyond the headlines…

5 things to know for February 4: ISIS, Ukraine, Olympics, Covid-19, Afghanistan

How the NFL’s Rooney Rule failed minority coaches

Strained US hospitals seek foreign nurses amid visa windfall

Amazon raising price of Prime membership for new and current members

U.S. tests “robot dogs” to patrol southern border

A new study predicts a huge increase in catastrophic hurricanes for the northeastern U.S.

Researchers report game-changing technology to remove 99% of carbon dioxide from air

New app from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund aims to build community relations

Latin America among most dangerous regions for human rights defenders: report

Mexican hacienda steeped in history, but has eye on planet’s future

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