January 17, 2022

What are federal holidays? Clearly, they are more than just having the day off from work or school, or a few parades or speeches ‘in honor’ of the significance of the holiday. In these times, they have to mean so much more. On this Martin Luther King Jr holiday, we need to not only memorialize his legacy but continue his unfinished fight — and there are things we each can do to make that a reality; US Treasury Sec. Yellen sees narrowing the racial wealth gap one of those fights; Did colleges conspire to make low-income students pay more?; Why is a new Texas voting law asking some voters to prove their citizenship?; and Scientists find remains proving the modern human race is far older than what anyone thought. Go beyond the headlines…

What You Can Do to Help Make Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream a Reality

Could a 54-year-old civil rights law be revived?

Treasury’s Yellen sees ‘much more work’ ahead to narrow racial wealth divide

New Texas voting law snags US citizens, mail ballot requests

Colleges accused of conspiring to make low-income students pay more

Ready for an N95? Here’s how to find a high-quality one that fits you well

Volcanic eruption in Tonga caused “significant” damage

Oldest remains of modern humans are much older than thought, researchers say

AI-powered drones for replanting forests

Mexican schools get books celebrating (President) AMLO’s election victory, deriding ‘neoliberal years’

The Brazilian who battled prejudice & patriarchy to become a referee

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