Latina Lista > News > January 3, 2024

January 3, 2024

The term ‘customer service’ has devolved into meaning automated response to client/customer needs, all in the name of cost-cutting. However, there are some business sectors that can’t use technology to save money because what they provide their clients depends on physical touch. For example, disability service providers must provide that kind of in-person care to meet the needs of their clients. Yet, a new survey finds a deepening crisis developing among these providers; How considerate that Israel’s government is trying to find new homes for the thousands of displaced Gaza Palestinians whose homes and country Israel is blasting out of existence. Israel admits finding countries willing to take these displaced Palestinians is hard but they did find one country — Congo! With all the economic and civil violence that exists in the Congo, Israel is doing these traumatized Palestinians no favor; Can you guess the national debt?; It’s going to be standing room only when House members get their classified briefing on UFOs; A new study finds that if we all switched to a certain diet, our health would improve exponentially and also that of the planet; and Want more variety in your audiobook apps? Check out these recommendations of six audiobook apps that aren’t Audible. Go beyond the headlines…

Survey Of Disability Service Providers Finds Deepening Crisis

Israel in talks with Congo and other countries on Gaza ‘voluntary migration’ plan

Five major threats to US national security in 2024

US national debt hits record $34 trillion as Congress gears up for funding fight

House members to receive classified UFO briefing

Ancient ‘Ritual Artifact’ May Reveal Secrets of Deep Space

Switching to plant-based diets means cleaner air and could save more than 200,000 lives around the world, says study

6 great audiobook apps that aren’t Audible

Top 5 hidden Maya ruins with pyramids near Mérida

The Bolivian Amazon fish that eats piranhas for breakfast

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