Latina Lista > News > January 6, 2020

January 6, 2020

Esperanza. Hope. It still exists in our country with the election of Raphael Warnock as Georgia’s first Black senator and the first Black Democratic senator from the South. As of this writing, the other significant Georgia race featuring Jewish-American Jon Ossoff is in a dead heat. An Ossoff win would make life a lot easier for a Biden administration. Not to mention that after 4 years of a Trump administration that fermented hate, divisiveness, racism, violence, outrageous conspiracy theories and mistrust of everything from federal agencies and institutions to immigrants, we have a leadership team in Washington that will begin the rocky road to healing the nation – as best they can. Yet, Trump’s disastrous legacy will be with us for the foreseeable future. For example, a new survey reveals how American teens feel about bullying immigrants; FEMA releases new index of where the riskiest, safest places are in the US; Rivers in the US are changing. Is it natural or indicative of something worse; and A design studio puts a new twist on food waste. Go beyond the headlines…

Why Trump’s Senate supporters can’t overturn Electoral College results they don’t like – here’s how the law actually works

American teens see bullying immigrants as more ‘okay’

‘It’s never too late’: The entrepreneurial spirit of older women

FEMA calculates riskiest, safest places in US

Fit Finance: Influencers share 9 tips for paying down debt in 2021

A third of rivers in US found to be changing from blue to green and yellow

In Many Parts of the World, the Ground Is Literally Sinking

Design studio turns food waste into home furnishings

Lupita: the powerful voice of one indigenous woman leading a movement

Chilean Lawmakers Propose Making Coronavirus Vaccine Mandatory

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