Latina Lista > News > January 9, 2020

January 9, 2020

A new poll finds that Trump, our President, is now seen as more dishonest than two of the leading authoritarian world leaders. What a legacy and what a disgrace for US all; One of the things supporting this shameful poll is what the Trump admin did to one (probably more) migrant, who won his case in immigration court, only to be subjected to an outright injustice; With tensions uncertain with Iran, many students rightfully asking if filling out FAFSA creates gov’t opportunity to draft them. Does it?; and Scientists found that it’s not only the temperature of the climate that’s changing but one particular temp ‘closer to our hearts.’ Be curious. Go beyond the headlines…

Trump more distrusted than Putin, Xi: poll

This Migrant Won In Immigration Court, And The U.S. Sent Him To Mexico Anyway

Puerto Rico lacks power, running water after strong earthquake

New Mexico to host world’s largest meeting on chili peppers

Does filling out the FAFSA college aid form mean you’ll get drafted?

Coyotes are poised to enter South America for the first time

Human Body Temperature Has Decreased In The United States, Stanford Study Finds

Mastercard launches augmented reality app that brings card benefits to life

US reporter harassed by Mexican police while doing Tlaxcala sex-trafficking story

‘Where it hurts’: A Brazilian online campaign raises awareness about abuse by health professionals

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