July 25, 2024

As with any new technology that isn’t easily understandable by the masses, critics will throw a variety of doom predictions until one sticks. The latest argument against the use of AI, after going from “it will take over the world,” to “take away our jobs” is now: it creates more work for humans, increasing burnout — say what?! As a longtime proponent of integrating new technologies into our daily lives, all I can say is if someone is experiencing burnout it’s because they haven’t yet mastered how to effectively use AI to their benefit. Chances are they’re resisting AI but have to use it because their bosses, recognizing the usefulness of it, is making them. On top of that, maybe they’re seeing the writing on the wall like how companies would bring in foreign workers to be trained by their home staff only to lose their jobs to those same foreign workers once they returned to their native countries. AI doesn’t have to be the adversary. All it takes is a changed mindset and the vision to see how working with AI is instilling an unique set of skills that are/will be in demand to not only do a job smarter and more efficiently but with less energy; Why is Russia sending more ships to Cuba. Strange that this consistent buildup is right before the November election; The CBO has said it again: Without undocumented immigrants, our economy will tank. Sadly, MAGA can’t understand that logic; A personal coach says we all have a “secret sauce” to achieve success. Here’s the guide; and Pro-Lifers aren’t taking any chance against a possible Democratic win in November. Several banded together and released a new app hoping to sway opinion on fetal personhood. Go beyond the headlines…

AI Creates More Work for Humans, Contributes to Burnout, Survey Finds

Russia Is Sending More Ships to Cuba

Undocumented immigrants will boost economy, lower deficit, CBO says

How 15 years of stagnant federal minimum wage affects hourly workers

A guide to finding and applying your unique talents to achieve success.

‘Double’ meteor shower will light up the skies next week. Here’s how to watch.

Tree bark plays vital role in removing methane from atmosphere, study finds

New app fosters understanding of fetal development to impact hearts and minds for life

Ten migrants found dead in Darien Gap as wet season increases migration risks

U.S. Home Buyers Have Descended on Mexico City

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