June 30, 2023

It’s getting pretty tiring that male-run state and national legislatures, corporations, businesses, tech, academia, religious institutions, etc. think they know what women want or need by continually imposing restrictive and archaic policies that would never apply to men. The latest case in point: A new study that finds when it comes to the benefits of gym exercise and resistance training, women can’t rely on what we’ve been told; Global warming is quickly dooming our planet; Everyone assumes the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) will rule against the Biden administration’s student loan forgiveness program. After all, SCOTUS didn’t disappoint by ruling against Roe v. Wade, and Affirmative Action. However, it seems there are certain states that have created their own student loan forgiveness plans in case SCOTUS doesn’t disappoint again; Think the wealth gap boils down to bad choices? A new study says to think again; Nothing new about rideshare apps BUT in Milwaukee, Minnesota, patients with dementia have their own rideshare app created just for them. Go beyond the headlines…

New study: much of what we’re told about gym exercises and resistance training is from studies of males, by men

Global Warming: Climate nears point of no return as land, sea temperatures break records, experts say

Student Loan Cancellation Update: States With Best Forgiveness Plans

The Fed is secretly stress testing the US economy against nightmare scenarios

Affirmative action ruling will reinforce systemic racism, civil rights leaders say

How music benefits your brain

Economic inequality cannot be explained by individual bad choices, study finds

New rideshare app offers safe transportation for Milwaukee dementia patients

Mexico to hand over temporary presidency of Pacific Alliance to Chile

Cuba, Russia Envisage Technical-military Cooperation

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