Latina Lista > News > March 26, 2024

March 26, 2024

Let’s face it. We, as a species, like all species have a basic instinct to survive. We practice it every day. For some, survival is more dramatic than others but it exists. One act of survival is fleeing danger. Whether it’s from school bullies, cartel violence or the climate, people removing themselves from the danger is first-instinct. Unfortunately, our species, like all species, are very territorial. Anyone who dares to cross into our territory without a proper invitation is considered an invader. For humans, this kind of behavior is no better exemplified than in our migration policies. To think a document would prevent people exercising their instinct to survive is ludicrous and unrealistic. People have migrated to ‘greener pastures’ from the beginning of human civilization. The United Nations’ International Organization for Migration (IOM) documents just how dangerous it is to migrate to another country; Are we surprised that more women who wanted an abortion took matters into their own hands?; One of the most endearing traits of young children is their acceptance of others regardless of race, sex or creed. It’s something we applaud in them and mourn for the adults who have lost that capacity. Kudos to one Girl Scout troop who are holding on to that empathetic acceptance as the adults around them try to project their nasty intolerance onto them; The wonders of astronomy, thanks to the ultra high-tech telescopes deployed in space and around the planet. Thanks to them, astronomers discovered a record number of new galaxies in under 3 hours; and Ever miscalculate how badly you need to go to the bathroom? Well, yes, you guessed it — there’s an app for that! Go beyond the headlines…

Self-managed abortions surged after overturn of Roe v. Wade, study shows

More than 63,000 people dead or missing while migrating over last decade, UN agency says

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill that bans children under 14 from having social media accounts

Home Sales Collapse in Several States

Girl Scout troop resolved to support migrants despite backlash

Landmark Study Confirms Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is ‘Unambiguously Biological’

Astronomers Discover 49 New Galaxies In Under Three Hours

Urinary Implant Helps Alert When Patients ‘Gotta Go’

Forest fires burn in nearly half of Mexico’s drought-stricken states, fueled by strong winds.

Puerto Rico has declared an epidemic following a spike in dengue cases

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