Latina Lista > News > May 11, 2021

May 11, 2021

On Wednesday, an important vote takes place in the US House of Representatives. The vote is basically a personnel change. House GOP want to boot Liz Cheney from her leadership position because she persists in doing something the party leaders finds appalling — denouncing Trump’s lies about the 2020 election. If the GOP leaders are successful in ridding themselves of Cheney, and from reports it appears they will be, it will impact the rest of us. How? The GOP, under Trump, will resort to more lies and disinformation to sway voters to believe them. If they regain election wins, they’ve vowed to deepen their hold on power and policy by all means necessary. They’ve already started in state legislatures across the country by passing laws that restrict voting access, stigmatize and penalize transgender students, strip women’s right to choose, and the list continues. They have become the antithesis of Democracy — and this will not end well, if we don’t wake up and CARE about what they are doing to our home, our society and our future. So, today, the Dems have a bill up that will rile every Republican who blindly follows their party’s hateful leadership; Long-haul sufferers of COVID-19 now have a free resource to make life more enjoyable again; and Water! Go beyond the headlines…

U.S. Senate Democrats aim to expand voting as Republicans seek to rein it in

Migrant children held in mass shelters with little oversight

Reaching Back To The New Deal, Biden Proposes A Civilian Climate Corps

US schools fight to keep students amid fear of dropout surge

Algorithm to improve aid response to victims in disaster zones

Free cookbook aimed at helping COVID-19 long-haulers enjoy food again after losing their sense of taste and smell

Water wells are at risk of going dry in the US and worldwide

New mobile app launched by Interpol aims to identify and track stolen art and cultural property

Mexico is deadliest country for journalists, who also face government harassment

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