Latina Lista > News > November 10, 2020

November 10, 2020

Not unexpectedly, Trump is clawing to stay in office and overturn the election. In the process, he’s deploying his arsenal of political powers never weaponized by any other legally defeated president in the history of the nation. As he focuses on trying to stage his version of a coup, we are learning the depths of his administration’s violations of human decency. For example, the numbers were wrong about how many migrant children were separated from their parents; The Supreme Court will hear arguments for a third time, courtesy of the Trump administration, determining if Obamacare will stay or go; and Veterans and Gold Star Families just got an early Veteran’s Day gift. Go beyond the headlines…

Number of migrant children separated from parents higher than previously reported: NBC News

No, The ‘Latino Vote’ Does Not Define A Complex Electorate

How children with lethal cancers and other incurable illnesses have benefited from the Affordable Care Act – and why they’ll suffer if the Supreme Court overturns it

Immigrant families pay tribute to Alex Trebek for helping them learn English

‘Adiós Trump’ T-shirt sale will fund DACA kids, says Julián Castro

Free birth control cut unintended pregnancy income gap

Veterans And Gold Star Families Granted Lifetime Passes To National Parks

New app, Miiskin, uses artificial intelligence to help people check for skin cancer

Latino Democrats tell Mexican president to get with the program and back Biden

Evo Morales returns to Bolivia, ending year in exile

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