Latina Lista > News > October 31, 2022

October 31, 2022

If you’ve missed reading LatinaLista over the last few days it’s because of one reason — the flu! To say this year’s flu is potent is an understatement. My version of a public health warning is: Get your flu shot!; Now, we start the week under a mix of cloudy news: The Supreme Court will finally hear if affirmative action should be used in higher ed; Russia has taken the invasion of the Ukraine to a deadlier level; and The RNC Chairman chalks up the vicious attack on Paul Pelosi, husband to Nancy, to nothing more than an uptick in crime. According to the RNC Chairman, the GOP’s hateful, vitriolic, election-denying rhetoric had nothing to do with influencing an impressionable man suffering from mental health issues. How believable is that? Only in Trumpworld; Wonder who keeps making false fake active shooter calls or those fake school bomb threats to the police? NPR researched the problem and found an answer. Should we be surprised that it’s very rarely a student?; Brazilian voters came out and chose the better option for their country. Will the US do the same?; and It is Halloween after all, so where are the most haunted places in the US? Go beyond the headlines…

Affirmative action’s use in higher ed hangs in balance at Supreme Court

Russia launched a fresh barrage of missile strikes on key infrastructure facilities in Kyiv 

The “Marshall Plan for Moms” is building an army of women voters

The attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband is the culmination of longtime GOP hate-mongering

Neo-Nazis, Antisemites, and the N-Word: Twitter Just Hours Under Elon Musk

Those fake active shooter calls to schools? A similar thing happened before

The conspiracy theorist ‘worldview’ and the language of their argument

Jack Dorsey Beta Testing New Social App amid Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover: ‘The Next Step

Brazil election: Lula makes stunning comeback

Laser imaging reveals ‘astonishing’ size of ancient Maya capital Calakmul

These are the most haunted places in the U.S.

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