Latina Lista > News > October 7, 2019

October 7, 2019

Casually surfing Sunday morning political talk shows there was one common theme — Republicans were playing defense for Trump and lying through their teeth. Yet, by the decibel count of GOP defenders, it’s getting harder for them to sacrifice their own credibility for someone who has none; Big term for the Supreme Court who will rule on these communities who are important and integral to the US; and Scientists are sounding the alarm over the impending shortage of this vital element to the planet – and no, it’s not water. Get the full stories below…

Immigrant rights groups slam Trump policy requiring migrant health insurance

ACLU Calls On Homeland Security To Stop Turning Away Pregnant Asylum-Seekers

Defending President Trump is getting more difficult for Republicans

Supreme Court takes on gay rights, DACA and guns in new term

Suiting Up: NASA’s all-female spacewalk gets new launch date

First electric cruise ship hopes to turn the tide in war against ocean pollution

The World Could Soon Run Out of a Crucial Resource And Nobody Is Talking About It

Samantha Bee Talks ‘Room for Improvement’ in Voting Process, Debuts New App

Coming home? 132,000 descendants of Spain’s exiled Jews seek nationality

Blockchain to optimise voting in Uruguay

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