September 18, 2024

Israel’s move against Hezbollah, worthy of a James Bond plot, (you know, the exploding pagers), is extremely disturbing. The level of technological sophistication that went into the execution of targeting pagers of Hezbollah members to either kill or wound them and the disregard that this act opens the possibility of a regional war makes this act reckless and perhaps highlights Israel’s true strategy — to maintain dominance in the region through preemptive strikes and covert operations, regardless of the potential fallout. While Israel frames its actions as necessary for national security, the use of such advanced, lethal technology in this manner sets a dangerous precedent. It signals that the rules of engagement are evolving into a more shadowy and unpredictable realm, where covert tactics blur the lines between traditional warfare and assassination. This move also suggests that Israel may be prioritizing short-term tactical victories over long-term stability, as the repercussions of provoking Hezbollah could spiral into broader regional conflict. By employing these high-tech methods, Israel may be signaling that it is willing to escalate tensions rather than seek diplomatic solutions, a strategy that could have devastating consequences for the Middle East; Some US election officials are being targeted with delivery of ‘suspicious packages’ containing unknown substances. It’s clearly an act to intimidate election officials reminiscent of the last election; There’s a bloc of voters who may be excluded from voting this time around simply based on their sex. Go beyond the headlines…

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