September 27, 2021

No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes but, in my opinion, the # 1 mistake we all make, every minute of the day, is that we don’t think what happens in Congress affects us — if you don’t count validating a presidential election or confirming a conservative justice or… You see? What happens in Congress DOES affect us and all of us should pay attention this week; One Georgia prosecutor noticed something impacting minority offenders and is on a mission to change it; An Australian doctor just found a simple way to save people from shark bites, and anyone can learn it; and One man in Mexico may have figured out to help Latin American farmers facing climate crisis. Go beyond the headlines…

How negotiations in Congress could affect your life

Georgia prosecutor strives for racial justice in redesign of treatment program

What A 1921 Texas Flood Tells Us About The Latino Climate Struggle Today

‘A total lack of focus’: Lawmaker on a mission to compel Pentagon to take UFOs seriously

A Photographer Who Documents The Culture Of Mesoamerican Indigenous Communities

Weight Training Isn’t Such A Heavy Lift. Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Should Try It

Surfing doctor finds simple life-saving shark bite treatment

At Last, an App for Menopause

Man’s dirt in a box is helping the rural poor avoid malnutrition

Paraguay on the brink as historic drought depletes river, its life-giving artery

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