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Today’s Crowdfunding Campaign: Power in Numbers

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Campaign: Power in Numbers

Mike Keller and Mike Ward are using their considerable experience as board members of charitable organizations, combined with their expertise as marketing and advertising professionals, to bring together the worlds of online gaming, corporate sponsorship and philanthropy.

They understand firsthand how charities struggle to find funding streams and they have found a new way to help. They want to turn something millions are already doing every day – online gaming – into that new funding stream.

Today, over half a billion people play online games for at least an hour every day. 183 million people in the US alone. Imagine all the points that are accumulated in just one day in games like Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Plant vs. Zombies, and the thousands of others available.

Now imagine if all those points led to donations made to a charity of your choice by corporate sponsors. That is Power In Numbers. You play. Companies donate. Charities win.

Mike and Mike want to raise $36,270 in order to develop the app technology, design and produce the initial games and content, as well as procure corporate sponsorships.

Contributions will allow the duo to not only reach beyond just a few mobile games, but to become a standard for all the top games currently available in App Stores.

The campaign ends August 27.

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