Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Today’s Crowdfunding Campaign: Seeds for a Future Cookbook

Today’s Crowdfunding Campaign: Seeds for a Future Cookbook

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Campaign: Seeds for a Future Cookbook

If you’ve been following the news, over 57,000 children, many of them from Guatemala, have crossed the border into the U.S. this year alone.

The root cause of this issue is violence in urban areas, lack of education and poverty in rural areas, and Guatemala has the highest rate of chronic child malnutrition in Central America.

Over 50% of the children in Guatemala suffer from malnutrition.

To help create a more sustainable future for the children of Guatemala (and throughout the world) a more grassroots approach must be encouraged.

Seeds for a Future (Semillas Para el Futuro) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is helping the Guatemalan town of Chocolá escape poverty by providing the knowledge and skills necessary to cultivate their land with high-value crops.

But agricultural reform is just the beginning. Education is also a critical component. Semillas Para el Futuro provides a systemic approach to helping people help themselves.

Women in the Seeds for a Future Family Gardens program in Chocolá, Guatemala have worked with Seeds for a Future staff to create a fantastic 138-page cookbook!

All the recipes are donated by these motivated and devoted women. Their cultural pride and love of cooking shows clearly in the traditional recipes, handed down through the generations, as well as their personal innovations and specialties.

The effort reflects their growing understanding of the need for better diets and balanced meals for their families, and all of the contributed recipes emphasize use of the high-nutrition plants on which the Seeds garden program is focused.

If the campaign’s goal of $6,000 is reached, at least 1000 cookbooks can be printed and delivered to Seeds for a Future current and incoming families. Any excess monies raised will directly fund their community and family gardens program.

The cookbook will assist the families in preparing healthy, nutritious meals and give them pride in the cookbook creation, empowering them to be proactive with their daily meals and future.

The campaign ends September 1.

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