Latina Lista >

SaludToday The 2013 County Health Rankings are now available. The rankings, now in their fourth year, show that how long and how well people live depends on multiple factors including rates of smoking, education, and access to healthy food….

LatinaLista — For a community where 38.2% of its children ages 2-19 are overweight or obese, compared with 31.7% of all U.S. children those same ages and a segment of its male adults (Mexican Americans) come in second as…

By Carlyn Montes De Oca Modern Alchemy       “I’ve tried everything and I just can’t seem to lose the #^$@* weight!” – Sound familiar? Well, it’s a common complaint I hear from my patients and usually accompanied…

SaludToday Gabriel, a part-time student with no insurance, is an acute myeloid leukemia survivor. But he hadn’t had any checkups for nearly three years. Then he found LIVESTRONG cancer services, which help the uninsured with accessing medical treatments and…

SaludToday Having a colonoscopy might be pretty low on Latino adults’ to-do lists. Even hearing the term “colonoscopy” might make some people a bit squeamish. But it can also save your life. Just take it from Armida Flores, a…

SaludToday The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has announced a Latina among the 10 recipients of the Young Leader Awards: Recognizing Leadership for a Healthier America. The honorees, recognized at a ceremony in Princeton, N.J., were chosen because they…