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By Alex Shashkevich Futurity Police officers consistently use less respectful language with black community members than with white community members, the first systematic analysis of body camera footage shows. Although subtle, widespread racial disparities in officers’ language use may…

By Star Hunter AmigosNAZ Higher tuition at NAU, CCC, cuts in programs at community college level pose challenges for first-generation students Immigration reform may lead in the headlines, but it’s not the top issue for Hispanics. According to Pew…


Hispanics and the Civil War

La Voz Latina Editor’s note: Last month the National Parks Service commemorated National Hispanic Heritage Month with a publication entitled Hispanics and The Civil War. The following essay is excerpted from that handbook which is available in many National…

By Warren Vieth Oklahoma Watch The growth of Hennessey’s Hispanic population is mirrored in other cities and towns. Hennessey ranks among the top 10 hot spots of Hispanic population growth in Oklahoma, according to an analysis of U.S. Census…

By Luis Carlos López Hispanic Link News Service Now that Wells Fargo, the nation’s largest home mortgage lender, has agreed it will no longer finance mortgages through independent brokers, things may be looking up for Hispanic homebuyers. Wells Fargo’s…