Latina Lista >


September 6, 2022

Used to be that when a scientist talked about climate change or threats to the Amazon rain forest or any number of doom-and-gloom predictions of the future of our planet, it was a tactic perceived to scare us all…


August 7, 2020

The pandemic, with help from the Trump administration, is stripping away the camouflage of those hidden pockets of shameful inequality, social injustice, political oppression and otherwise inhumane practices and policies that have always lurked beneath the hype of the…


July 31, 2020

Though Trump was soundly slapped back for suggesting a delay for the November vote, the fact remains he is in deep political trouble and knows it. So why does his base continue to think he’s the “savior” of the…

By Thomas P. Mackey & Trudi Jacobson The Conversation The circulation of fake news through social media in the 2016 presidential election has raised several concerns about online information. Of course, there is nothing new about fake news as such – the satirical site “The Onion”…

Obed Manuel Latina Lista   5. Latinos care about the environment About 70 percent of Latinos say they believe global warming is a threat and is caused by human activity. By comparison, just 44 percent of whites and 56…