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Sponsorships build bridges in the lives of San Diego youth

By Pablo J. Sáinz
La Prensa San Diego


Norma Varela is not like most 16-year-olds.

When she learned she was going to receive a $2,000 sponsorship through A Bridge for Kids, a San Diego non-profit that connects needy teenagers and people who can help them achieve their goals, she didn’t think to buy new clothes for school or spend it all on herself.

“I want to benefit all of my school,” said an emotional Norma, who is a junior at Castle Park High School in Chula Vista.

“I want to use part of the money to start clubs, to help my classmates get involved, and to start an activism campaign where students can help themselves.”

Norma was one of four Castle Park High School students who were surprised on April 29th with a sponsorship through A Bridge for Kids, which is working with social services agency South Bay Community Services to identify, mentor, and help achieve academic success among teenagers in the Castle Park neighborhood of Chula Vista.

The four students selected thought that they were in the library for a second round of interviews for the sponsorships. Instead, they got the surprise of their lives…

Featured Photo: Castle Park High School Junior Norma Varela reacts to news she has received a $2,000 sponsorship through A Bridge for Kids.

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