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July 31, 2023

NATO countries are getting nervous. Not because of Russia but because of the mercenaries who dared to challenge Putin…

July 28, 2023

Is the Day of Reckoning descending on us in ‘waves’ of heat, water, earthquakes? It would seem so. Scientists…

July 27, 2023

Bienvenidos to our new reality! In acknowledgement of the sweltering temps, the Biden administration has issued the first-ever alert…

July 26, 2023

In these inflationary times, it’s not surprising that an alternative people chose to save money is now falling victim…

July 25, 2023

The proof is irrefutable: climate change is responsible for current extreme weather events. From heat domes to flooding rains…

July 24, 2023

Maybe a new study will show that companies, as usual, are shooting themselves in the foot when it comes…