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June 16, 2023

Is COVID-19 eradicated? No, not as long as it has the power to mutate into variances but the good…

June 15, 2023

Whether it’s the residual effects of forced isolation from Covid, rising global tensions, the uncertain economy, social media negativity…

June 14, 2023

The world is complex. Duh, you might think. But we know things are complex when two opposing observations are…

June 13, 2023

The most dreaded word in our vocabulary is the ‘c’ word — cancer. The National Cancer Institute estimates that…

June 12, 2023

One of today’s headlines highlights a problem the US government has but one that nobody is really talking about…

June 9, 2023

The United States is at a historic moment in our 246-year history. For the first time, a former president…