Latina Lista > News > April 26, 2024

April 26, 2024

CCTV. Any fan of BBC crime shows knows what those four letters refer to. It means the police will catch their culprit because he/she will be caught on video being somewhere they said they weren’t. CCTV or security cameras are gaining more acceptance stateside. Critics will always argue they’re a privacy invasion but just how much privacy should a person going about their daily lives in public spaces expect? Well, if you live in Britain, expectations should be pretty low; Economists have been warning conservatives to not hate on immigrants. Without them, they say, our economy would be suffering and people would be feeling its full effects. Now, we have irrefutable proof they’re on the right track. Just look at the baby population; A first-of-its-kind study highlights that doing this one thing makes all the difference in the world for Mother Nature; and One startup feels it’s time farmers and plants opened a constructive dialogue — and they know how to do it. Go beyond the headlines…

What the data says about crime in the U.S.

Brexit Britain wants to be the snooping capital of the West

Babies born in the US last year, the lowest-one year tally since 1979

The good and bad inside the worse-than-expected GDP report

AI robot will give commencement speech at Upstate NY college

What Is ‘Auto-Brewery Syndrome’? Man Whose Body Makes Alcohol Beats DUI Rap

First-of-its-kind study shows that conservation actions are effective at halting and reversing biodiversity loss

This startup helps plants talk to farmers, reducing pesticides and agricultural waste

Mexico’s president blasts ‘lies’ in US State Department human rights report on Mexico

Indigenous people in Brazil march to demand land recognition

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