Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Crowdfunder: Raising money for books for Chilean school for the Mapuche

Crowdfunder: Raising money for books for Chilean school for the Mapuche

LatinaLista —

Campaign: Mañiuco School

A group of Fellows from the Melton Foundation who have been working with the Mañiuco School since 2011.

Mañiuco School in southern Chile is exclusively Mapuche (Indigenous peoples from the Araucanía Region) and students are from rural, low-income backgrounds, aged 5 to 14.

Working with the school’s leadership, the Fellows have Identified two critical areas in need of support: Improving the school’s infrastructure and creating an after-school program.

They have also designed an after-school curriculum that will provide students with a safe, enriching program focused on teaching them how to participate meaningfully in a globalizing world.

With the first $ 4,000 raised, they will buy new books and renovate the school library . The most pressing needs for the children are new books.

The children have read all the books in the library and they want more books. The Fellows are working with teachers to build a reading list! The library is currently in poor condition and needs structural improvement.

Besides the library, the school wants to pave the playground so the children can play in winter ($4,000). The children love to play soccer but can not do so when it rains, and it rains a lot in southern Chile.

Also, the teachers want to put a roof on the 40 meter walk to the canteen to provide much-needed shelter to the children during winter . ( $ 4,000 )

Finally, the teachers said they need to buy computers for the children and purchase some software to help them learn math and reading skills ($ 4,000).

For the after-school program, the Fellows need a little bit of money to pay teachers and speakers and buy materials.

The campaign ends November 10.

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