May 20, 2024

Weekend events have made the world a riskier place to live. Whether it’s the sudden death of Iran’s president, Trump floating the idea of staying in office for 3 terms if he wins, Russia’s aggressive gains in the Ukraine or the scorching heat wave impacting all corners of the planet, it’s clear the political and climate dangers are steering a new trajectory for societies overall. So, should we be surprised at the findings of a new report revealing just how many people have been displaced within their own countries?; Ever hear of zombie mortgages? If you have more than one mortgage on your house, better take a look; It’s that time of year where many of us will endure sitting through hours-long graduation ceremonies for a chance to applaud our loved ones who finally achieved this milestone in their academic careers. Yet, did you know that the tune used to accompany the march of the graduates actually was intended for a different kind of march?; Researchers found that covid affects almost every major organ in our bodies, even our eyes!; and Check out these 5 apps that could make you richer. Go beyond the headlines…

Three Higher Ed Reforms Americans Want To See, According To New Survey

Record 76 Million People Were Displaced Within Their Countries in 2023: Report

America’s school surplus is hurting some students

Zombie 2nd mortgages are coming to life, threatening thousands of Americans’ homes

How a British military march became the distinctive sound of American graduations

Covid virus can infect your eyes and damage vision

New Discovery Hints at What General Anesthesia Actually Does to The Brain

5 Apps That Could Make You Richer

Black farmers in Brazil changing views on coffee production

Subway commuters in Buenos Aires see fares spike by 360% as part of austerity campaign in Argentina

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