Latina Lista > News > May 7, 2021

May 7, 2021

If ever there was still doubt that the Republicans legislate on behalf of themselves rather than their constituents, the overnight passage by Texas Republican legislators of a restrictive voter access bill should clear up that misperception. These bills, which have now passed in Georgia, Florida and now, the Lone Star State, may be draped in rhetoric using words like: security, fair, fraud prevention, etc. Dems see through the GOP smoke screen and have voiced their outrage and now some in the GOP are worried that these bills make it harder for their own constituents to vote — which may be the real goal. We saw how Trump wanted to unilaterally, like Castro, Maduro, Kim Jong Un, Xi, wield absolute power. Could these Republicans, blind followers of Trump, have a goal of doing away with fair voting entirely? Is the dismantling of our Democracy happening before our eyes? If it is, we have only to blame ourselves. In the meantime, thanks to the Biden admin, stimulus checks have not only improved lives but saved many on the verge of starvation; Did Biden’s humanitarian approach to immigration make things worse at the border?; New data shows kids need these two things to do better in school; and Scientists are admitting that found fossils are not supported by human origin stories. What does this mean? Go beyond the headlines…

Hunger rates plummet after two rounds of stimulus

True COVID-19 death toll is double the official numbers, study finds

How confusion around Biden policies birthed a new refugee camp on the U.S. border

Florida and Texas Join the March as Republicans Press Voting Limits

Kids with a desk and a quiet place to study do better in school, data shows

Review: Most human origins stories are not compatible with known fossils

An air filter that requires no maintenance or power

New EPA app aims to help track water quality at beaches

Colombia’s protests are threat, test for US

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