Latina Lista >


August 28, 2020

Now that the propaganda festival, aka Republican National Convention, is history, it’s time to get serious about our individual responsibility to preserve our nation’s democracy. We do that by seeing today’s reality objectively, discerning fact from fiction and trusting…


May 27, 2020

That in this democracy, anyone would be against facilitating every citizen’s civic duty of voting is a red flag that their intentions are sinister. No wonder Joe Biden’s campaign just created a new position on his campaign staff; Trump…


March 13, 2020

If ever the country needed proof of how inept and derelict the Trump administration is in performing its most basic duty — protect the American people, we have only to look at how they have handled the coronavirus spread….


February 27, 2020

Though we’re getting mixed messages about the severity of the coronavirus from the White House, it’s clear that each of us have the potential to be impacted by the virus. According to health experts, there are things that we…

By Nancy Landa LatinaLista Nearly a year ago, the surge of unaccompanied child migrants constantly made the headlines, making it the “new” humanitarian crisis in the North American region. Although the phenomenon of accompanied children was not new, the…

By Ezra Fieser Hondurans and Salvadorans have the most favorable opinion of the U.S. at 88% and 85%, respectively. SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic – When U.S. President Barack Obama visits Central America next month, he will find a…