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November 28, 2019

Whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving, we all should take aside this day, if we can, to enjoy the company of good friends and loved ones. The rest of the year into 2020 will test our patience, tolerance and…

By Eddy Martinez Juvenile Justice Information Exchange George Kenefati, a sophomore at Macaulay Honors College in Manhattan, recently posted a social event on Facebook for his fellow students. It was meant to raise awareness of the challenges faced by…

By Parvati Nair The Conversation A dozen years before the influx of refugees and migrants to Europe’s shores would force policymakers to take heed, Michael Winterbottom’s 2002 docudrama In this World brought the inside story of international migration to…

By Stephenie Livingston Futurity   Discrimination interacts with certain genetic variants to change blood pressure, report researchers. In addition, discrimination experienced by close friends and family had a more significant impact on study participants than did firsthand experiences, according…

By Eduardo Stanley LatinaLista On April 2, 2013, the Associated Press (AP), perhaps the biggest news agency in the world, announced it would no longer use the word “illegal” when referring to immigrants without legal residence or working permits….