
November 27, 2019

As families gather to celebrate being together this Thanksgiving, there are over 700,000 people who are wondering where they will be next year. These are the DACA recipients and their families. Will the Supreme Court side with the Trump…


November 22, 2019

If we watch the impeachment hearings as a culmination of all of the Trump administration’s hateful, racist, ‘swampy’ actions against the nation, it almost appears poetic justice that some witnesses’ backgrounds reflect the very populations Trump targeted; Attorney Gen….


November 19, 2019

A new Washington Post report finds that there are less deportations under Trump than there was under Obama. Yet, that headline is deceiving considering that Trump admin has created numerous immigration policy changes; Is there a hidden Latino HIV…


November 14, 2019

Discouraging news trickled from the Supreme Court yesterday that there may not be much hope for DACA survival. However, whatever the decision, it won’t be ruled on until AFTER the nation votes for President. Couple that nugget with analysis…

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November 11, 2019

A new study highlights something most Latinos already know: we worry a lot. Is it any wonder? Whether it’s 700,000 immigrants lighting candles that the Supreme Court looks kindly on DACA; Or mass shootings or the increasing unaffordability of…


November 8, 2019

Are we slowly waking ourselves from the evil spell that was cast over U.S. since 2016? Maybe. What a federal judge just ruled Trump’s admin must now provide migrant families is a step in the right direction; Why is…


November 7, 2019

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders has some ideas on how to change US immigration policy. New ideas or just resurrecting old ones?; Grieving Mormon family gets Mexican escort to funerals, but is it enough?; and No surprise but online…


November 6, 2019

The morning after a historic political shift in Virginia and a possible Democratic win in Kentucky provides some hope that Trump’s influence among GOP voters isn’t as strong as he wants us all to believe. Yet, a new poll…


November 5, 2019

Senseless gun violence is shocking wherever in the world it happens, especially when children are caught in the crossfire. That’s why the news filtering out of Mexico overnight that several Mormon women and their children were shot, killed and…


October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween! Though under the Trump administration, every day is as spooky as the day before. It’s been a perpetual Halloween since 2016. Yet, we can’t let ourselves grow numb by the White House’s shameless activities. For example, the…


October 29, 2019

The Internet marks 50 years old. While there are critics who lament the use of the byproducts of the internet, namely social media, there’s no denying that it’s been a godsend for grassroots organizing among human rights groups and…


October 21, 2019

Ever since Trump took office, the name of the game in DC is — D-R-A-M-A! Not even the worthy kind but the one of Trump and his circle’s own making. It’s a ride that is wearing thin. That’s why…


October 16, 2019

It’s no surprise that Trump vetoed this bill; Immigrant victims of domestic violence fears are rising; Study highlights findings between academic achievement gap and racial discipline disparities; and Our national forests are in danger, not from climate change but…


October 14, 2019

Say “the wall” these days and most everyone’s thoughts go to our southern border. So much injustice, heartache and harm has been and is being done and it’s not stopping; Most people know we shouldn’t eat late at night…


October 10, 2019

As if Trump wasn’t busy enough inflicting pain on the world, he now takes aim at DREAMers and wants the Supreme Court to listen to him; Speaking of Trump, the news network he considered his personal propaganda machine just…


October 9, 2019

Headlines touting that apprehensions at the border are down are misleading. True, border apprehensions are down but the bigger story reveals a more troubling reality; Did Montgomery, Alabama just make history?!; and Feel bullied and discriminated against? There’s an…


October 8, 2019

The Supreme Court is due to rule on DACA, the lifeline for DREAMers. Who is fighting on their behalf? One group is taking the mantle in defense of these foreign-born Americans; New analysis shows what Latinos and the US…


October 7, 2019

Casually surfing Sunday morning political talk shows there was one common theme — Republicans were playing defense for Trump and lying through their teeth. Yet, by the decibel count of GOP defenders, it’s getting harder for them to sacrifice…


October 4, 2019

The outright corruption from the Oval Office and denial of its existence by the GOP leadership is stunning, sad and scary. It’s no wonder why one researcher finds that the US has discarded diplomacy in favor of this authoritarian…


October 2, 2019

The case of two bans. The difference between what FL and NY just banned couldn’t be more polar opposite and underscores how the fight for the moral soul of the country is Right vs. Left; Why watch Sunday morning…


October 1, 2019

They say Trump is feeling like he’s under siege. All we can say is welcome to the world you created for many Latinos. For example, in one US city, an undocumented man was killed by police – by mistake….


September 30, 2019

Did we really need a study to say that some Latinos pay this much of their salaries to rent?; Biden is looking otra vez to Latinos to help push him to win the nomination. Will he succeed?; and Los…


September 27, 2019

Today, as the nation celebrates the observance of Native American Day, and hopefully remembers the forced separation of Native American children from their parents to “Indian schools,” a judge will hear arguments over the US detention of migrant children….


September 26, 2019

From the now infamous Ukranian call, we get affirmation that the modus operandi of this President is to strong-arm foreign leaders to get his way. So, Honduras is the latest country to sign an asylum agreement. It should make…