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By Warren Vieth Oklahoma Watch Oklahoma is one of only seven states that grew younger last year, thanks in part to an influx of 20-something oilfield workers, newly-released Census Bureau data shows. The Sooner State also became slightly more…

By Juan Miret LatinaLista The typical image of an American soldier is that of a strong, blond hair and blue-eyed male. That could be part of the script to a predictable war movie. However, the American armed forces are…

LatinaLista — May 20, 2013 is a new milestone in the state of Oklahoma’s long history as the heart of tornado alley. According to the latest reports about the tornado and its victims, the twister is classified as an…

By Ron J. Jackson Jr. Oklahoma Watch HEAVENER — Atop Poteau Mountain, cloaked by white oak, black locust and other towering trees, sits the mysterious runestone. Ever since its discovery in 1874, experts have passionately debated whether the runic…

By Warren Vieth Oklahoma Watch The growth of Hennessey’s Hispanic population is mirrored in other cities and towns. Hennessey ranks among the top 10 hot spots of Hispanic population growth in Oklahoma, according to an analysis of U.S. Census…