Latina Lista > News > February 18, 2020

February 18, 2020

As the favorites in the Democratic race for the 2020 presidential nomination begin to break away from the pack (check out the latest poll), pundits are looking at Latinos to lead the way in making the pivotal choice and a Major Latino group in Nevada just did; Young Latino voters don’t intend to be ignored this go-around; A new green technology generates electricity from thin air?; and FBI has a new app for parents to help find lost children. Go beyond the headlines…

Major Latino group backs Sanders on eve of Nevada caucus

Voters Of Color Are Set To Have A Bigger Say As Democrats Enter A Crucial Phase

Young Latinos In Texas To Candidates: Our Vote Matters

Many Latinos still believe that the citizenship question is in the 2020 Census

Congressional delegation requests information from Puerto Rican officials on the use of relief funds

Native American tribe says Pentagon failed to consult on border wall construction

New green technology generates electricity ‘out of thin air’

FBI promoting new app dedicated to helping parents find lost children

Children in Mexican Neighborhood Beat Violence with Art

Will green technology kill Chile’s deserts? – video

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