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October 19, 2020

Trump’s rallies wouldn’t be so offensive if he didn’t blatantly lie to his followers. For example, saying he was going to preserve pre-existing conditions when he’s trying to abolish everything about the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, or trying…


October 7, 2020

Trump’s dramatic return to the White House from Walter Reed hospital delivered the kind of optics he not only craves but orchestrates on a predictable basis. So, it’s not so farfetched for many to ask: Should the US be…


October 1, 2020

It’s no secret that Trump, a white supremacist, dislikes immigrants. It would have seemed his administration’s attempts to ban migrants from certain countries, separate migrant children from their parents, deny asylum waits on US soil, make it more expensive…


September 28, 2020

News that Trump hasn’t paid his taxes for a decade, according to the New York Times discovery, didn’t surprise many Americans. In fact, most intelligent people assumed it was the case. Yet, the extent that he’s been getting away…


September 24, 2020

It’s a distant memory that the United States used to be a world leader in publicly condemning authoritarian leaders and sanctioning those same countries. Yet, Trump and his administration are increasingly trying to dismantle US democracy to let Trump…


August 26, 2020

Sadly, the body of missing Latino Fort Hood soldier, Elder Fernandes, was found last night by railroad tracks. Initial reports reveal he had been dead for a few days. The circumstances around his death deserve continued public outcry and…


August 12, 2020

While many are celebrating Vice-President Biden’s selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as his VP choice, headlines underscore how life is propelling forward with a renewed sensitivity of oppressive policies, discriminatory practices and blatant racist attitudes. For example, Facebook finally…


August 11, 2020

The Trump administration continues targeting migrant children. New report highlights how low this administration continues to fall when it comes to treatment of these most vulnerable children; The debacle in Puerto Rico’s Sunday election shows just how badly an…


July 1, 2020

#PrayforVanessaGuillen.Strong rumors surfacing that the remains of missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen may have been found. Searches are being called off;That the United States has fallen so low in global leadership and standing isn’t just evident with the…


May 27, 2020

That in this democracy, anyone would be against facilitating every citizen’s civic duty of voting is a red flag that their intentions are sinister. No wonder Joe Biden’s campaign just created a new position on his campaign staff; Trump…


May 11, 2020

Stores are getting crowded. Hair salons are taking appointments. Dentists are calling back patients. Life is getting back to normal — or is it? One prominent virus modeler warns that life getting back to normal may not be so…


May 8, 2020

The latest jobs report reflects the never-before-seen depth of pain many of us, our friends, neighbors and family members are experiencing during this unprecedented times. As more Latinos get disproportionately impacted by job loss and COVID-19 exposure, several Latino…


May 4, 2020

Yesterday was World Press Freedom Day. Like other sectors of the economy, the news industry, specifically newspapers, is experiencing a fight for survival. Journalist positions have been slashed, print editions are being eliminated and whole newspapers are folding. Yet,…


April 27, 2020

We start a new week — of restlessness, anxiety and dread. Dread for what this week holds, what more loco crap will come out of Trump’s mouth and if someone (more) we know will be taken from us by…


April 23, 2020

By now, most (critics) of the Trump administration understand Trump’s sudden ban on immigrant arrivals – keeping his 2016 promise to his base. A new Politico report quoting overworked DOJ workers seem to back up that assumption. One worker…


March 25, 2020

Unbelievably, there are people who still think the coronavirus is just like the flu, or worse, nothing to worry about. Well, the Dept. of Justice wants to change that attitude; Why is the virus spiking in certain countries? New…


February 19, 2020

Does Trump secretly think he may lose the 2020 election? It seems he’s on the fast-track to leave a legacy with his long list of presidential commutations and what he just did to speed construction of the border wall;…


February 18, 2020

As the favorites in the Democratic race for the 2020 presidential nomination begin to break away from the pack (check out the latest poll), pundits are looking at Latinos to lead the way in making the pivotal choice and…


February 10, 2020

Not even a week after a colluding GOP senate refused to find Trump guilty of any wrongdoing, Trump continues on his path of deceiving America’s Middle Class into thinking he’s on our side. How? Well, he plans on asking…


February 6, 2020

With Trump’s shameful acquittal, it now is up to us all to do what Senate Republicans refused to do. Yet, in the meantime, we must suffer through abuses at the direction of this White House: A 32-year-old US citizen…


January 17, 2020

Was it public pressure or the Latino vote that finally pressured the Trump admin to release aid to Puerto Rico? The real test will be if Trump signs off latest aid bill by House Dems; The AP visited immigration…


January 16, 2020

The Supreme Court DACA decision isn’t just about Dreamers – it’s about whether the White House has to tell the truth — and that’s where the real fight lies; Trump admin finally releases Puerto Rican aid, or did they?;…


January 14, 2020

While the Trump administration’s family border separations were universally condemned, one US judge just delivered a surprise ruling; Notice Jennifer Lopez wasn’t invited to the Oscar’s Red Carpet with a nomination? Was it just luck of the Academy vote…


January 13, 2020

Because we Latinos are not one homogenous group, there are, of course, some who support Trump. Yet, a new group of Latinos wants to ensure Trump is defeated in 2020; In a weird kind of irony, a border patrol…


December 31, 2019

On this last day of 2019, we should be hopeful for what 2020 brings. Yet, far too many of us are dreading the new year. Especially, when we close 2019 seeing an increase in racism, violence, national division and…