Latina Lista > News > May 11, 2020

May 11, 2020

Stores are getting crowded. Hair salons are taking appointments. Dentists are calling back patients. Life is getting back to normal — or is it? One prominent virus modeler warns that life getting back to normal may not be so healthy; Supreme Court is to decide the fate of DACA people but some aren’t willing to wait; In this age of creative social distancing: A drive-by quinceañera?; and Scientists discover an animal that doesn’t need oxygen to live? Go beyond the headlines…

Key virus modeler says rise in mobility is driving up death projection

Why A Historic Wave Of Latino Prosperity Is Under Threat Now

As Supreme Court considers end to DACA, some Dreamers are already leaving U.S. behind

Brave mothers fighting for the well-being of Puerto Rico

A drive-by quinceañera? Latino families get creative, maintain a tradition

Scientists Find The First Animal That Doesn’t Need Oxygen to Survive

32 Book Adaptations You Can Stream On Netflix Right Now

Fitbyte, a wearable attaches to glasses to track your diet

60 million gallons of waste per day continues to flow from Mexico into San Diego’s ocean

Colombia’s ‘Serenaders’ Take to Streets to Stay Afloat amid Lockdown

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