Latina Lista > News > September 28, 2020

September 28, 2020

News that Trump hasn’t paid his taxes for a decade, according to the New York Times discovery, didn’t surprise many Americans. In fact, most intelligent people assumed it was the case. Yet, the extent that he’s been getting away with it is what appalls many. Not to mention, what he’s been writing off; There’s no clearer sign that blatant racism has worsened under Trump. Look at what happened in Minnesota; The Border Patrol just made an arrest that has people disgusted with the way they conduct ‘business;’ and Why are Latino historical sites in Texas and Puerto Rico at risk? Go beyond the headlines…

Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

CDC Calls Off Minnesota COVID-19 Study After Reports of Racism and Intimidation Against Surveyors of Color

Puerto Rico gears up to vote in statehood referendum this Nov

Latino historic sites in Texas and Puerto Rico face risk of destruction

Border Patrol arrests undocumented Texas teen who went to hospital for gallbladder surgery

The ways Hispanics describe their identity vary across immigrant generations

US military is testing a smart watch and ring system that detects illnesses TWO days before symptoms arise – and can recognize the coronavirus

New App Gives You Voting Info With Just One Click

Cuba’s Economy Was Hurting. The Pandemic Brought a Food Crisis.

Mastodon fossil discovered in Colombian gold mine

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