It’s Friday, the 13th! Though custom compels us to be extra superstitious today, I’m seeing signs that good things may be on the horizon. Finally, White House leaks say that Trump is finally, though grudgingly, accepting his election defeat….
The BBC reports that the “world” is amazed at seeing Americans stand in long lines to vote. Not that we are voting, but that in a country touted as being the most advanced and democratic, this is the best…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: How non-Hispanic media is misinterpreting the Hispanic Vote
By Raoul Lowery Contreras LatinaLista We are in the middle of Hispanic Heritage Month. Per form, Hispanics are being insulted again not only by the Republican Presidential nominee but by the mainstream press and television/cable news outlets. Non-Hispanic media…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Immigration Shapes Latinos’ Attitudes Toward Political Parties
By Dr. Juhem Navarro-Rivera Demos Immigration policy is considered the holy grail of policies when it comes to attracting Latino voters. Immigration is explicitly mentioned in the post-2012 Republican autopsy report as one of the strategies to increase the party’s base…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Why this Mexican isn’t “even worried about Donald Trump”
By Marcela Figueroa LatinaLista Yes, Donald Trump is probably the most irritating character in American politics in at least two decades. Yes, he has been at the top of the Republican polls for the last couple of months. Yes,…
Local News, Northeast, zNew Headline
Three Connecticut Latino Incumbents Fight Democratic Party Machine
By Bill Sarno Three Connecticut cities with large Latino populations, three primary races and three prominent Latino officeholders, all Democrats, challenging candidates who bear the local party machinery’s seal of approval that they were denied. That is the…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Eighteen Senate and Governor races Latinos could influence in 2014
By Dr. Matt Barreto LatinaLista The 2014 election is now just 8 days away and almost all the attention on the Latino vote is in Colorado’s Senate race. While other states with large Latino populations may not have competitive…
Local News, Southwest, zNew Headline
Texas Reaction to Holder’s Voting Rights Act move split along ethnic lines
By Esmeralda Torres Rio Grande Guardian AUSTIN, TX — Reaction to Attorney General Eric Holder’s effort to reinstate a preclearance process whenever electoral maps in Texas are changed is split largely along ethnic lines. Anglo and Cuban American elected…
LatinaLista — While Republicans still struggle over deciding whether Latino voters are really worth all the extra work, a new infographic should light a proverbial fire under their indecision. The Center for American Progress and Progress 2050 compiled data…
By Mark R. Day La Prensa San Diego How did a group of Latino activists celebrate on Nov. 6 after working for nearly two months to get out the Latino vote in Escondido? For one thing, they danced La…
Latino Politics
Pew Hispanic analysis shows Latinos made (overwhelmingly) good their end of the bargain
LatinaLista — On October 25, in an interview with the editorial board of the Des Moines Register, President Obama foretold what would happen last night: “…Should I win a second term, a big reason I will win a second…
Latino Politics
Survey says Latino Born-Again Christians still undecided for which presidential candidate to cast their votes
LatinaLista — The decision for whom to vote for in this election is a brain teaser for any undecided voter. Believe it or not, while a majority of Latinos, polls show, are leaning towards President Obama, there are some…
By Katherine Leal Unmuth Latino Ed Beat Education hasn’t been one of the top issues being discussed in the run up to the presidential election. But for Latino voters, it is perhaps the most important issue. A recent survey…
Latino Politics
Over 30 percent of Latino voters don’t feel their votes will have an impact on who’s elected president
LatinaLista — The Pew Hispanic Center released their latest survey regarding how Latino voters are leaning. Not surprisingly, the survey found Latinos favoring Obama over Romney by 3-1 ratio. Latino registered voters prefer President Barack Obama over Republican challenger…
By Lauren Feeney More Latinos are expected to go to the polls this year than ever before, and their vote could be decisive in the presidential election. We reached out to Sylvia Manzano of Latino Decisions, a leading…
General, Latino Politics
New almanac presents a clear picture of 2012 Latino politics
LatinaLista — With every poll that shows the gap between Obama and Romney narrowing, the value of the Latino vote cannot be underestimated. Yet, with conflicting spin coming out of each political camp about what Latinos do or don’t…
Latino Politics
New report reveals rural residents and poor Latinos and blacks have bigger challenge getting photo ID to vote
LatinaLista — How hard is it to get a photo ID? That’s the question some people have been asking since states have been falling in line to require voters to present photo identification when showing up at the polls…
Latino Politics
New site shows the strength of Latino voters state-by-state
LatinaLista — As much attention as is paid to the Latino vote, no one knows for sure just how much influence it will have in the November election. Some media organizations have pinpointed the states where the Latino vote…
Palabra Final, Politics
New data shows the power of the Latino vote is no bluff
LatinaLista — New data from the Center for American Progress (CAP) shows that the potential to create a highly influential Latino electorate isn’t a bluff. In states across the country are untapped, unregistered Latinos who are qualified to vote….
By Richard Romero LatinaLista OHIO — Saving the American Dream and bringing back the economy is what will bring out Latino voters in Ohio. Ohio has over 140,000 eligible Hispanic voters, and Ohio’s total Hispanic population is 354,674. Given…
Palabra Final, Politics
A new push for the Latino vote stirs fears of an uphill battle
LatinaLista — The Republican leadership is counting on the discontent of Latino voters to keep them from duplicating their landslide support of Obama in this year’s presidential election. Yet, a 2012 version of the national get-out-the-Latino-vote movement is gaining…
Palabra Final, Politics
More than ever it makes sense for political campaigns to be bilingual
LatinaLista — An article syndicated today in newspapers across the country asked a question that was bound to be asked sooner or later in this election season — Should political campaigns reach Hispanics in English or Spanish? Hand-in-hand with that…
The inevitable unconservative conservative evolution of Latino voters
LatinaLista — It used to be Latino voters were so predictable. Any politician campaigning for office knew they could get Latino voters in their corner if they included on the stump: talk about strong family values, the immorality of…
Palabra Final, Politics
Yet another analysis tries to explain the Latino vote — with an unique twist
LatinaLista — Just when we thought there had been enough analysis of the 2008 Latino vote — What more can be said? —here comes a new analysis that, at the least, puts a unique spin on dull polls. In…
Palabra Final, Politics
Republicans need more ideas to reclaim Latino voters
LatinaLista — In the aftermath of the 2008 presidential election, Republicans are beginning to regroup and strategize how to carry their party forward. Yet, though it’s recognized that Latino voters pushed Obama’s victory in several key states, Republicans have…