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November 13, 2020

It’s Friday, the 13th! Though custom compels us to be extra superstitious today, I’m seeing signs that good things may be on the horizon. Finally, White House leaks say that Trump is finally, though grudgingly, accepting his election defeat….


October 14, 2020

The BBC reports that the “world” is amazed at seeing Americans stand in long lines to vote. Not that we are voting, but that in a country touted as being the most advanced and democratic, this is the best…

By Mark R. Day La Prensa San Diego How did a group of Latino activists celebrate on Nov. 6 after working for nearly two months to get out the Latino vote in Escondido? For one thing, they danced La…

By Katherine Leal Unmuth Latino Ed Beat Education hasn’t been one of the top issues being discussed in the run up to the presidential election. But for Latino voters, it is perhaps the most important issue. A recent survey…

By Lauren Feeney More Latinos are expected to go to the polls this year than ever before, and their vote could be decisive in the presidential election. We reached out to Sylvia Manzano of Latino Decisions, a leading…

LatinaLista — In the aftermath of the 2008 presidential election, Republicans are beginning to regroup and strategize how to carry their party forward. Yet, though it’s recognized that Latino voters pushed Obama’s victory in several key states, Republicans have…