
May 31, 2024

It’s an understatement to say Trump’s conviction, on May 30, 2024, plucked a chord in the national, and global, psyche. His supporters behaved as expected: denounced the verdict, the justice system and vilified the judge, jury and prosecutors. The…


February 16, 2024

Undocumented immigrants have long been targeted as the GOP’s easy scapegoat for what’s wrong in America’s economy and society. After all, it’s a no-brainer to fault a segment of the population, who literally have no voice. That’s the reason…


August 26, 2022

The war rages on in the Ukraine and too many Americans have lost interest. After all, it’s over there, not here. Yet, one incident that was recently narrowly avoided would have made everyone realize just how close the Ukraine…


July 29, 2022

A Republican congressman, who happens to be a medical doctor, replied in an interview that we’re all just going to have to regard COVID as we do the flu. Something we’ll have to be vaccinated against on a yearly…


April 19, 2022

I thought it was decided that separating children from their parents at the border was a very bad idea. Yet, reports are surfacing that that is exactly what is still happening and this time it’s to Ukrainian children; Politico…


March 15, 2021

It’s showdown week for child migrants. This week the House votes on citizenship for Dreamers, and also legal status for farm workers; and FEMA will now help with the overcrowding issues at border detention facilities filling up fast with…


March 9, 2021

Usually, we start our headline coverage with national political news. But today’s is about an interesting study done on renters’ leases. Researchers found that landlords are including more “illegal terms” in leases that basically strip renters of any rights….


February 26, 2021

The last week in Washington underscores how tough a job the Biden administration has in returning to bipartisanship. The GOP is ramping up its efforts to throw roadblocks approving Biden’s Cabinet choices. In some instances, the Republican senators have…


December 9, 2020

There’s an alarming thing happening at our southern border – an influx of unaccompanied child migrants. Some are termed “tender age.” That means they are younger than 12. What is happening to them when caught at the border? They’re…


November 12, 2020

Like any spoiled brat, Trump is intent on wreaking havoc since he can’t have his way. As he fires people and replaces his hand-picked cronies at the Pentagon (which is setting off another set of alarm bells), his administration…


October 29, 2020

Yesterday, I received a SMS survey (fyi: text message via phone) that asked me how I would rate my fear of armed violence on Election Day or in the days afterward. Maybe I’m naive, but while I don’t totally…


May 22, 2020

Just one of the many legacies Trump will be forever cited for in history is how he lost allies. The latest ally to voice the US is not their friend is one Central American destination; Finally, a little ‘bright’…


May 13, 2020

With the 2020 election on his mind, Trump is so focused on reopening the economy, regardless of the consequences, that he’s missing a rise in prices to a basic necessity that could impact his reelection; Trump admin is still…


March 27, 2020

The spread of the coronavirus is worldwide and can now be found in expected and unexpected places. From an ICE detention center for unaccompanied minors to remote indigenous Amazon tribes, the coronavirus is infecting humans everywhere. Yet, in the…


March 20, 2020

All signs point towards it being just a matter of time when the rest of US(us) join California, Italy, Spain, etc. in not being allowed to leave our homes. That’s why any help coping with sheltering at home should…

By Parvati Nair The Conversation A dozen years before the influx of refugees and migrants to Europe’s shores would force policymakers to take heed, Michael Winterbottom’s 2002 docudrama In this World brought the inside story of international migration to…