Latina Lista >


October 16, 2020

The importance of today’s lead-in headline, “Trump administration rejects California’s disaster assistance request for wildfires,” is understated if you don’t know the context. In simplistic terms, after the horrendous damage suffered by the state with out-of-control fires, it’s all…


August 5, 2020

While Trump touts he’s going to make the suburbs safer for (implied) ‘white’ voters, Biden just released his plan to empower Latinos; Several studies with a Latino-centric focus are highlighting: the coronavirus impact on Latino communities, impact of economic…


May 15, 2020

The ranks of the unemployed are rising. While 40% of low-income households have lost a job and a new poll shows increase worries about having enough to eat as grocery prices rise, the Trump administration is actively trying to…


May 12, 2020

One of the headlines dominating today’s news cycle is that “Americans are really scared about their economic future.” It calls for a classic Homer Simpson response, “duh!”; The VA warns that Latino and Black veterans face a bigger risk…


March 5, 2020

It’s official. Latino voters turned out on Super Tuesday — and made a difference! Pew reveals that the majority of the 23 million eligible immigrant voters for 2020 election live in just 5 states; Oprah took her Book Club…


January 28, 2020

With the Supreme Court’s disappointing decision on letting the Trump administration keep out those immigrants who can’t prove they already have a job, WalletHub releases a state-by-state analysis, with video, of just how big an impact immigration is to…

By Jim Patterson Futurity Preserving the middle-class in America is necessary for the United States to continue as a democracy, warns Ganesh Sitaraman. “The shrinking middle class is a constitutional problem because our Constitution wasn’t designed for a country with significant…

By Edward T. Rincón, Ph.D. LatinaLista A peek at Latinos residing in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area illustrates how America’s metro areas are being transformed by the growing presence of Latinos. Ranked as the 7th largest Latino market in…

By Juhem Navarro-Rivera Demos Latino/as’ changing economic fortunes in the wake of the Great Recession and the racist undertones of anti-immigrant rhetoric are major sources of their disillusionment with the Republican Party. While Latino/as have more positive attitudes toward…

By Arielle O'Shea NerdWallet   How’s 75 sound for a retirement age? Too far away? That could be the reality for today’s college graduates, according toNerdWallet research released today. The study looked at how rising student loan debt and higher…