Trump’s immigration restrictionists have had a field day during the pandemic in contorting the nation’s immigration policies to fit their goal of eliminating Mexican migration. First, they blamed migrants. Now, they have a new target. This time, they could…
The morning after a historic political shift in Virginia and a possible Democratic win in Kentucky provides some hope that Trump’s influence among GOP voters isn’t as strong as he wants us all to believe. Yet, a new poll…
Voting, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Trump presidency is only part of why things are worse in the country
By Marisa Treviño LatinaLista The sad saga of the Donald J. Trump presidency continues to worsen. I’m not talking about his constant lying that there was no “quid pro quo” asked of the Ukranian president in the face of…
U.S.-Mexico border, zNew Headline
If Trump’s base thinks a border wall will save their jobs, Trump may have a bridge somewhere for sale too
Marisa Treviño LatinaLista Trump’s border wall wasn’t a hard sell to his blue-collar base. Maybe because, for his base, the promise of a border wall was seen less for reasons of national security and more as a way to…
Social Justice, zNew Headline
Party loyalty continues dividing Latinos in Congress over environmental votes
LatinaLista — At a time when it’s physically dangerous to champion environmental causes — the international environmental watchdog Global Witness documented a 59 percent rise since 2014 in the murder of environmental activists worldwide — it would seem political…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Immigration Shapes Latinos’ Attitudes Toward Political Parties
By Dr. Juhem Navarro-Rivera Demos Immigration policy is considered the holy grail of policies when it comes to attracting Latino voters. Immigration is explicitly mentioned in the post-2012 Republican autopsy report as one of the strategies to increase the party’s base…
Local News, South, zNew Headline
Univ. of Houston students, community members call for Houston to “Dump Trump” ahead of campus-hosted GOP debate
The Venture News The University of Houston’s decision to host the GOP debate on Feb. 25 has sparked a protest among students and community members calling on the masses to “Dump Trump”. Students for a Democratic Society have organized…
Bernie Sanders Democrat Age: 74 Birthright Citizenship: Continue granting automatic citizenship Manmade Climate Change: Accepts DREAM Act: Supports Voters must show Voter ID: Opposes Obamacare: Supports, wants to expand Minimum Wage: Supports raising
Immigration, zNew Headline
Separate polls show Obama’s base approve his Executive Action, leaving critics red
LatinaLista — Ever since President Obama issued his Executive Action to address immigration last week, Republican leadership has been on a rampage threatening everything from legal action to predicting there would be riots in the streets and our southern…
Youth, zNew Headline
Survey shows Latino youth increasingly disillusioned with politics
LatinaLista — The majority of young people in the country don’t believe elected officials take them and their concerns seriously, according to a new study released by the Black Youth Project. In Democracy Remixed: Black Youth and the Future…
Politics, zNew Headline
Latinos’ threats to Democrats over immigration reform don’t make sense
LatinaLista — National polls have been showing that more and more Latinos have become disenchanted with President Obama. So much so that some Latino organizations have issued a warning to Democrats to not blame the Latino electorate if the…
Immigration, zNew Headline
Part 1: The political reality of immigration reform
by Gary Segura Latino Decisions In a matter of weeks or even days, we anticipate that President Obama will articulate some changes to immigration administration and enforcement that will provide some security to undocumented persons living and working in…
Local News, Southwest, zNew Headline
Political Developments Chill Immigration Reform from Texas to Virginia
Frontera NorteSur In new signs that prospects for immigration reform legislation are all but dead for now, developments in both state and national arenas have pushed a solution to the issue farther down the political tracks. For starters, Texas…
Local News, South, zNew Headline
Texas’ Hispanic Republicans urged to switch parties
By Steve Taylor Rio Grande Guardian AUSTIN — Given what happened with the vote on immigration reform at the Texas GOP Convention last weekend, Hispanic Republicans are being urged to ditch their party and join the Democratic ranks. State…
Local News, Southwest, zNew Headline
Report: Both parties have ‘work cut out for them’ to reach Hispanic vote
By Colton Gavin Cronkite News Service WASHINGTON – Arizona Hispanic voter engagement has not kept pace with the growth of the Latino population, but that is poised to change and political parties need to be ready to take advantage,…
Great Plains, Local News, zNew Headline
Top 10 states dependent on federal aid are Republican-led
By Warren Vieth Oklahoma Watch Oklahoma ranks seventh in the nation in its reliance on federal funding to supplement state revenue, according to calculations by State Treasurer Ken Miller. Of each dollar spent by Oklahoma government during the 2011…
Palabra Final, Political Commentary, zNew Headline
As another Texas election campaign heats up, state’s Latinos find themselves (again) the butt of GOP politics
LatinaLista — This year marks 32 years living in Texas, and after all this time, I’m still surprised and insulted at the lack of respect state politicians unashamedly display towards Latinos in the Lone Star State. In a state…
Local News, Washington DC, zNew Headline
Obama, Republicans Fail to Advance Hopes on Immigration Reform
By Aaron Montes Hispanic Link WASHINGTON, D.C. – When President Barack Obama delivered the fifth State of the Union address of his presidency, he dedicated just three sentences to immigration reform. Not once did he mention the contributions or…
Diversity, Palabra Final, zNew Headline
New NBC survey identifying 8 distinct segments of American populace doesn’t include Latinos in the mix
LatinaLista — It’s easy to get confused about what Americans really think or want when politicians seem to always end their partisan rhetoric with “It’s what the American people want.” Well, now, thanks to the new Esquire-NBC News survey,…
Local News, South, zNew Headline
Democrats consider pathway to legalization, not citizenship
By Steve Taylor Rio Grande Guardian MISSION, TEXAS – Some Congressional Democrats are contemplating a compromise on immigration reform that would put undocumented immigrants on a path to legalization but not, directly, citizenship. Under the plan, the 11 or…
Politics, Videos, zNew Headline
Video: Do the Democrats have a lock on the Hispanic vote?
CBS News (LatinaLista Editor’s Note: The strength of the Latino electorate is an issue that has occupied the headlines since the 2012 presidential election and is only gaining momentum as both sides of the aisle appear to be coming…
Guest Voz
Guest Voz: In the political cycle the “young grow old” and forgetfulness sets in
By Rodolfo F. Acuña LatinaLista Rank and file Democrats are desperate for a turnaround of their political fortunes, and an end of the Robber Baron era — so much so that they see the recent elections as their deliverance….
By Jose Sueiro Metro At first sight the young Mexican American, Martin Diego García appears to be one of those youth focused on ‘chatting’, a nerd occupied with his computer and always ‘texting’ friends and acquaintances. But look…
Palabra Final, Politics
New Pew report on political parties’ public approval underscores big concern for future of politics
LatinaLista — The news for the Republican Party just keeps getting worse. A new Pew poll underscores by just how much public confidence has waned in the GOP. According to the poll: 62% of the public says the GOP…
Life Issues, Youth
Online voter registration a hit with young California voters, as well as, not having party preference
LatinaLista — As the nation prepares to swear in Barack Obama as the 45th US President, he will have the distinction of being the 15th Democrat (of those presidents specifically identified as Democrats) to hold the highest office in…