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June 12, 2020

Trump’s immigration restrictionists have had a field day during the pandemic in contorting the nation’s immigration policies to fit their goal of eliminating Mexican migration. First, they blamed migrants. Now, they have a new target. This time, they could…


November 6, 2019

The morning after a historic political shift in Virginia and a possible Democratic win in Kentucky provides some hope that Trump’s influence among GOP voters isn’t as strong as he wants us all to believe. Yet, a new poll…

Bernie Sanders Democrat Age: 74 Birthright Citizenship: Continue granting automatic citizenship Manmade Climate Change: Accepts DREAM Act: Supports Voters must show Voter ID: Opposes Obamacare: Supports, wants to expand Minimum Wage: Supports raising  

By Jose Sueiro Metro At first sight the young Mexican American, Martin Diego García appears to be one of those youth focused on ‘chatting’, a nerd occupied with his computer and always ‘texting’ friends and acquaintances. But look…