Latina Lista >


July 29, 2020

As Trump and the countless COVID-19 conspiracy theorists are pushing pathetically ridiculous “cure” videos, the sad reality is that there is no cure and, according to a new study, Latinos and Blacks are apt to die disproportionately in these…


July 13, 2020

Starting the week with good news — the national teen birthrate is on the decline! The bad news — just not for Latina and Black teens; Did the Supreme Court just give Native Americans back half of Oklahoma? It’s…


July 7, 2020

Instead of trying to campaign to the masses, Trump insists on doubling down on his narrow base of racists. To appease them, because he thinks they will get him reelected, Trump is refiling paperwork to end this Obama initiative…


June 19, 2020

The CDC just released new data about coronavirus — and it’s really bad news for Latinos; So, DREAMers got a reprieve from the Supreme Court. What’s next?; 12 charts show just where racial disparities exist, and it’s not pretty;…


June 5, 2020

As infuriatingly sad as it is that it took the public murder of George Floyd to wake the world that systemic racism is so entwined in our country’s culture: police culture, institutional educational culture, neighborhood zoning culture, corporate America…


May 15, 2020

The ranks of the unemployed are rising. While 40% of low-income households have lost a job and a new poll shows increase worries about having enough to eat as grocery prices rise, the Trump administration is actively trying to…


April 28, 2020

It’s no wonder that Trump is falling in the polls, especially with his major disinfectant fiasco, but several headlines suggest more pain at the polls await Trump: National Latino and immigration groups released a letter Monday accusing Trump of…


April 22, 2020

It used to be that crisis events brought out the best in everyone — especially our political leaders. Not so this time. The Trump administration continues to target those population segments or issues that rile his base the most….


February 26, 2020

As usual, it’s exhausting trying to keep up with today’s news. Maybe that’s why the US Census wants to make filling out the 2020 census as easy as a click and send; Believe it or not, there’s not a…


January 29, 2020

Fears of contracting the coronavirus is spreading around the world and has now reached our southern border; The Supreme Court’s decision on DACA has farther reaching implications than anyone thinks; With every earth-shaking tremor, Puerto Rico in danger of…


January 27, 2020

As the Trump administration steadily strips discrimination rules that helped make our country more equitable, his head of ICE just declared the next disturbing discriminatory action this administration will take if the Supreme Court does this; Thanks to Trump’s…


December 5, 2019

The Trump administration tightened work requirements to be eligible for food stamps – all in the name of no “free handouts.” Yet, experts warn there could be an unintended consequence; Generic drugs are a way to save money but…


November 27, 2019

As families gather to celebrate being together this Thanksgiving, there are over 700,000 people who are wondering where they will be next year. These are the DACA recipients and their families. Will the Supreme Court side with the Trump…


November 26, 2019

Almost every headline touts Joe Biden as the frontrunner among Latino voters. That could be the reason why Latino outreach has taken a back burner to other campaign outreach efforts. Whatever the reason, it was enough for Biden’s senior…


November 14, 2019

Discouraging news trickled from the Supreme Court yesterday that there may not be much hope for DACA survival. However, whatever the decision, it won’t be ruled on until AFTER the nation votes for President. Couple that nugget with analysis…


November 13, 2019

There’s a growing fear that robots and AI will take jobs & pose other kinds of threats to society. Yet, when a ruling body making a life-changing decision through a narrow lens void of compassion then we don’t have…


November 12, 2019

Today is ‘D Day’ for thousands of undocumented young people who were raised believing they were ‘American,’ though what that term really means these days is elusive. For instance, the AP reports that the US, once a defender of…

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November 11, 2019

A new study highlights something most Latinos already know: we worry a lot. Is it any wonder? Whether it’s 700,000 immigrants lighting candles that the Supreme Court looks kindly on DACA; Or mass shootings or the increasing unaffordability of…


November 4, 2019

Worries continue to rise that Trump and his administration are taking the US back to darker times in our history. Need further proof? Check out what’s happening in Mississippi & what happened to one Latino; So, what is the…


September 23, 2019

A judge (with a Latino surname) just told Trump something he’s not going to like. The question is: Will he ignore it or do what the judge says; So, why did a FL police officer arrest a 6 and…

By Michael Blake The Conversation On Feb. 26, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review a federal judge’s order that the Trump administration continue the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. It was back in September 2017 that President…