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June 22, 2020

#FindVanessaGuillen: It was heralded as Trump’s triumphant return to the campaign trail but Saturday night’s Tulsa rally was anything but what was expected by Trump. Trump expected to see a million of his most deluded admirers and he got…


June 1, 2020

During a time of national crisis, it is customary that a country’s leader addresses the pain, outrage and desperation of its people. Instead our leader calls for a “MAGA” night at the White House to counter protesters. The implication…


May 29, 2020

Last night, CNN reporter Omar Jimenez was arrested by State Patrol in Minneapolis as he covered the riots and chaos in response to the police killing of George Floyd. Though Jimenez showed his credentials and complied with all orders…


May 13, 2020

With the 2020 election on his mind, Trump is so focused on reopening the economy, regardless of the consequences, that he’s missing a rise in prices to a basic necessity that could impact his reelection; Trump admin is still…


March 13, 2020

If ever the country needed proof of how inept and derelict the Trump administration is in performing its most basic duty — protect the American people, we have only to look at how they have handled the coronavirus spread….


March 9, 2020

March is Women’s History Month and Time magazine shares its list of 100 women of the year; How vulnerable are immigrants at the border to catching the coronavirus?; A Mayan queen was discovered to have built something that amazes…


March 4, 2020

Once again, pundits and political organizers touted the expectation that the Latino ‘sleeping giant’ voter was now awake. Popular assumption was that we were awake to vote for Bernie Sanders, but a little-noticed poll last month predicted the majority…


February 26, 2020

As usual, it’s exhausting trying to keep up with today’s news. Maybe that’s why the US Census wants to make filling out the 2020 census as easy as a click and send; Believe it or not, there’s not a…


February 19, 2020

Does Trump secretly think he may lose the 2020 election? It seems he’s on the fast-track to leave a legacy with his long list of presidential commutations and what he just did to speed construction of the border wall;…


February 14, 2020

Though the world continues to roil in turmoil and hate it’s important to remember good still exists. What better day to take a breath and celebrate — Valentine’s Day! Looking through a ‘love’ lens won’t make the headlines hurt…


February 10, 2020

Not even a week after a colluding GOP senate refused to find Trump guilty of any wrongdoing, Trump continues on his path of deceiving America’s Middle Class into thinking he’s on our side. How? Well, he plans on asking…


January 31, 2020

As the nation reaches its lowest point in history with the Senate looking to acquit this President – in the face of irrefutable evidence confirming his guilt, an analysis reiterates the dismally low number of Latino elected officials; Trump…


January 20, 2020

In this day and age, the words, actions and example of Martin Luther King, Jr. take on added significance. As the allies of this White House continuously fight to thwart justice for the nation, it can seem to many…


January 10, 2020

A popular anecdotal theory as to why Trump’s core base of supporters stick with him, though they see he’s corrupt, a pathological liar, a divider and a narcissist, is because they think he will ‘preserve’ the white majority in…


January 2, 2020

All things gender may emerge as the ‘theme’ for 2020. For example, one South American country just declared a national emergency due to gender-based violence and U.S. politicians are grappling with gender bias when it comes to childcare issues;…


December 20, 2019

With ALL the global news that has rocked our world in 2019, the AP picked the top 10 news stories of the year. Can you guess #1?; Where was the ‘Latino Vote’ born?; Archeologists are on the verge of…


December 16, 2019

It’s funny how that old saying “What goes around comes around” is so true. For example, there’s a judge invoking a law the GOP created to block Obama and now is being used to stop Trump; Another whistleblower comes…


December 11, 2019

We’ve grown accustomed to hearing Trump make off-the-cuff immigration policy but one of his latest has the Pentagon looking twice; Judaism – a nationality?; New “sobering” report on Arctic ice surfaces…Go beyond the headlines… Pentagon inspector general ‘evaluating’ Trump’s…


December 5, 2019

The Trump administration tightened work requirements to be eligible for food stamps – all in the name of no “free handouts.” Yet, experts warn there could be an unintended consequence; Generic drugs are a way to save money but…


December 3, 2019

News coverage has been criticized in the past for placing coverage priority on white victims of crime. Now, a new Associated Press report shows that the discrimination doesn’t stop there; So, are you wondering too what Trump has done…


November 13, 2019

There’s a growing fear that robots and AI will take jobs & pose other kinds of threats to society. Yet, when a ruling body making a life-changing decision through a narrow lens void of compassion then we don’t have…