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October 14, 2020

The BBC reports that the “world” is amazed at seeing Americans stand in long lines to vote. Not that we are voting, but that in a country touted as being the most advanced and democratic, this is the best…


September 9, 2020

This morning, several headlines tout the soft support Biden has among some Latinos. One of the latest polls shows Biden lagging Trump among Florida Latinos, in particular. However, the Biden campaign is drawing more displeasure from the Latino immigration…


August 31, 2020

These days, the media is focusing on two P words: pandemic and polls. Most of us try to keep up with the latest news on the pandemic but only catch up on polls when heard on the news. While…


August 12, 2020

While many are celebrating Vice-President Biden’s selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as his VP choice, headlines underscore how life is propelling forward with a renewed sensitivity of oppressive policies, discriminatory practices and blatant racist attitudes. For example, Facebook finally…


August 10, 2020

The US mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic has shocked the world, according to reports. Yet, even as the nation surpasses 5 million cases, the Trump administration is still pushing for things to get back to pre-pandemic life. Kind of…


July 27, 2020

The 100-day countdown to the US presidential election is now underway (it’s now, as of today, 99 days) and Democrats are enthusiastic about the small lead Biden has over Trump. Yet, in such a pivotal election, where the future…


July 21, 2020

The latest COVID-19 maps showing the uncontrolled surges in infection rates are mainly in those states run by Republican governors. New polls show how American voters are correlating that failure to the GOP party and its leader. Now, there’s…


April 23, 2020

By now, most (critics) of the Trump administration understand Trump’s sudden ban on immigrant arrivals – keeping his 2016 promise to his base. A new Politico report quoting overworked DOJ workers seem to back up that assumption. One worker…


April 21, 2020

Overnight, Trump declared he was “suspending immigration” into the U.S. Is it a prudent move or maybe retaliation for some countries refusing to accept deported immigrants from US; This amid a federal judge ordered ICE to release detainees at…


April 17, 2020

People around the globe are getting antsy because of staying home for so long. Did you hear about the archeologists in Peru arrested for violating the stay-at-home orders? So, state by state, city by city are relaxing the stay-at-home…


April 6, 2020

A new week brings a revision of information of what keeps us safe in these scary times. Now, the CDC is saying that the 6-feet mandatory social distancing may not be far enough and we all have to start…


March 17, 2020

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! We could all use some luck in today’s world but luck doesn’t replace common sense. As measures to mitigate the spread of coronavirus deepens in its necessity to disrupt our day-to-day lives, there are several…


February 7, 2020

As the rational world knows, Trump’s policies are far from “perfect.” The latest proof is the policy one judge just permanently blocked; Stories have trickled out that ICE officers are unnecessarily rough towards immigrants in detention centers. Now, there…


January 30, 2020

As global attention prepares to focus on the Iowa caucus, pressure is high on Iowa to be inclusive of Latino voters and caucus officials responded; Immigration judges just demanded something of Congress that’s never happened before; Twitter is now…


January 13, 2020

Because we Latinos are not one homogenous group, there are, of course, some who support Trump. Yet, a new group of Latinos wants to ensure Trump is defeated in 2020; In a weird kind of irony, a border patrol…


January 8, 2020

A hallmark of this administration is that it often positions itself at the ‘eye’ of a hurricane of newsworthy events. It’s often said that this President purposely creates chaos to distract from those events that will harm him politically…


November 14, 2019

Discouraging news trickled from the Supreme Court yesterday that there may not be much hope for DACA survival. However, whatever the decision, it won’t be ruled on until AFTER the nation votes for President. Couple that nugget with analysis…


October 8, 2019

The Supreme Court is due to rule on DACA, the lifeline for DREAMers. Who is fighting on their behalf? One group is taking the mantle in defense of these foreign-born Americans; New analysis shows what Latinos and the US…


September 26, 2019

From the now infamous Ukranian call, we get affirmation that the modus operandi of this President is to strong-arm foreign leaders to get his way. So, Honduras is the latest country to sign an asylum agreement. It should make…


September 23, 2019

A judge (with a Latino surname) just told Trump something he’s not going to like. The question is: Will he ignore it or do what the judge says; So, why did a FL police officer arrest a 6 and…


September 20, 2019

New audit reveals the trauma experienced by detained migrant children is deepening and worsening. This is Trump-sanctioned child abuse; So, Trump says Puerto Rico has received millions of dollars in aid. Yet, why is the island still waiting for…

By Johanna Mendelson Forman The Conversation Latin America’s economy has grown enormously over the past two decades. However, unemployment in the region still hovers at 8 percent, double that of the United States. Youth joblessness is even higher –…

By Mark Cartwright Ancient History Encyclopedia The warfare of the Inca civilization was characterised by a high degree of mobility, large-scale engagements of hand-to-hand combat, and the establishment of a network of fortresses to protect an empire of over 10 million subjects. Conquestgave the Incas access to…