Latina Lista >


April 30, 2020

Yesterday, it was reported that Trump ordered the Pentagon to pull money from overseas projects towards building the border wall. While he contemplates possibly losing in November, he’s determined to leave office with reminders of his inhumane legacy. In…


April 29,2020

While social media — think Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc — are heralded as keeping people connected, it’s clearer just how it’s used to divide us. Case in point: social media is the main engine for driving misinformation about the…


April 28, 2020

It’s no wonder that Trump is falling in the polls, especially with his major disinfectant fiasco, but several headlines suggest more pain at the polls await Trump: National Latino and immigration groups released a letter Monday accusing Trump of…


April 27, 2020

We start a new week — of restlessness, anxiety and dread. Dread for what this week holds, what more loco crap will come out of Trump’s mouth and if someone (more) we know will be taken from us by…


April 24, 2020



April 23, 2020

By now, most (critics) of the Trump administration understand Trump’s sudden ban on immigrant arrivals – keeping his 2016 promise to his base. A new Politico report quoting overworked DOJ workers seem to back up that assumption. One worker…


April 22, 2020

It used to be that crisis events brought out the best in everyone — especially our political leaders. Not so this time. The Trump administration continues to target those population segments or issues that rile his base the most….


April 21, 2020

Overnight, Trump declared he was “suspending immigration” into the U.S. Is it a prudent move or maybe retaliation for some countries refusing to accept deported immigrants from US; This amid a federal judge ordered ICE to release detainees at…


April 20, 2020

A new week brings news that Congress is closer to passing a follow-up stimulus bill to help small businesses. Yet, Politico reports that the White House is still fumbling over how to cover virus treatment for the uninsured; Another…


April 17, 2020

People around the globe are getting antsy because of staying home for so long. Did you hear about the archeologists in Peru arrested for violating the stay-at-home orders? So, state by state, city by city are relaxing the stay-at-home…


April 15, 2020

So, is the country as a whole “flattening the curve” or is it just New York City? Coronavirus is still spreading and here’s a map that shows how quickly it is state-by-state; New UCLA report underscores the pain that’s…


April 14, 2020

It is a sad day in our nation when our President throws what amounts to as a temper tantrum because he doesn’t feel the media is giving him the credit he deserves (in his mind) during this global pandemic….


April 13, 2020

As we settle down into our regular routines, too many of us are finally realizing that having a savings account is a necessity and credit isn’t all bad if handled responsibly. We should come out of this a lot…


April 10, 2020

Though we’re in self-isolation, many of us are thinking about Easter. In honor of this weekend, we’re serving up a basket of a dozen different headlines that touch on various issues, such as: Looking for Lysol? Here’s when we…


April 9, 2020

Lines at food banks are getting longer. Layoffs are getting more prevalent. Whole industries are predicted to go extinct. Bank accounts are shrinking. As self-isolation goes from staycation mode to anxious panic, those needing money to pay for essentials…


April 8, 2020

From the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve seen how Trump and his allies have politicized this crisis. The worst act may have been Wisconsin’s Republican party blocking absentee voting and gambling that voters wouldn’t turn out. They were…


April 7, 2020

It’s often said by Doctors Fauci and Birch that the coronavirus knows no boundaries, political parties, etc. To say that this is an equal opportunity virus is — something not entirely known. Important data is not being collected uniformly…


April 6, 2020

A new week brings a revision of information of what keeps us safe in these scary times. Now, the CDC is saying that the 6-feet mandatory social distancing may not be far enough and we all have to start…


April 3, 2020

We made it to Friday! Before now, that small milestone would only have meant the start of the weekend. In these times, it means one more day closer to a possible end to this modern pesadilla. Yet, as the…


April 2, 2020

This week’s unemployment numbers have been released: 6.6 million. Many of our family members, neighbors and friends are included in this dismal number and we know it’s only going to increase. And it’s the reason, like none in recent…


April 1, 2020

Today is April Fool’s Day. While some of us equate what we’re living through as a sick joke, we know it’s not. In that vein, today’s LatinaLista is a broad mix of news stories that break our usual ‘niche’…


March 31, 2020

As the New York governor pleads for more healthcare workers and city mayors and county commissioners are asking for more help to enforce stay-at-home orders, we find out that a little old virus isn’t keeping Trump from fulfilling his…


March 30, 2020

One would think that any rational person would see the news coverage of what happened in Italy, Spain and New York City and be convinced that social distancing and sheltering-in-place, as much as possible, are the only real ways…


March 27, 2020

The spread of the coronavirus is worldwide and can now be found in expected and unexpected places. From an ICE detention center for unaccompanied minors to remote indigenous Amazon tribes, the coronavirus is infecting humans everywhere. Yet, in the…


March 26, 2020

The only good thing coming from Washington these days is the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill passed last night. Unfortunately, the information Trump personally delivers at his daily virus briefings is so clouded in aspirational exaggeration and outright lies…