
May 17, 2024

Whether it can be explained by Newton’s third law: For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction, or basic parenting psychology: Tell a child not to do something and they’ll end up doing it, human nature reacts to…


May 16, 2024

A common complaint these days is that many of us feel the country is going backwards. Not because of inflation or the economy but because of recent Supreme Court rulings, GOP-led states passing laws and policies that are diminishing,…


May 15, 2024

Well, it’s happened. We, as a society, have become numb to gun violence. Whether it’s a mass shooting at a mall, a school, a state fair, a church service or a concert, among too many other venues, we’ve sadly…


May 14, 2024

In biblical times, lepers were the outcasts of society and given no respect or rights. Pretty much like how we treat today’s homeless. Many, if not all, homeless people are denied the right to vote because they don’t have…


May 13, 2024

Artificial Intelligence has more than its fair share of doomsayers and critics. Yet, history shows as society learns how to use new technology, recognize its benefits, along with, its pitfalls, we adapt and learn. That’s why a new study…


May 10, 2024

Twenty-one states, mostly in the south and southeast, and a few scattered in the West, Midwest and Plains (everywhere there is a repressive GOP majority) ban or restrict abortions. While these bans fuel the self-righteous ‘savior mentality’ among its…


May 9, 2024

A new study finds that more Americans are relying on their credit card rewards. It’s no wonder since another analysis finds almost half of renters are now labeled “rent-burden”; Putin is feeling especially brave these days and isn’t content…


May 8, 2024

It’s bad enough that the GOP actively tries to discourage and dilute the votes of people of color but when those targeted buy into those challenges by giving up, it’s worse and hands a win to a party that’s…


May 7, 2024

Just when the world thought there was a truce between Israel and Hamas…and are Israelis blaming the US?; Several states have (unbelievably) passed laws that basically outlaw water breaks for workers laboring outside. One group who has always suffered…


May 6, 2024

To many outsiders, the GOP party has devolved into an extreme far-right faction that threatens our democratic principles. It’s unfortunate, that while not every Republican agrees with their party’s direction, these rational voices are getting increasingly drowned out by…


May 3, 2024

Go to college. Get a degree. You’re set for life. That’s the assumption everyone, and every family who’s scrimped and saved to send their children to college, foresee for their investment in higher education. However, new data on today’s…


May 2, 2024

The economy is buzzing along and there’s no sign that mortgage rates nor inflation will be retreating anytime soon. This kind of environment is making it harder to buy homes and making a lot of people feel the economy…


May 1, 2024

What do Africa and the Caribbean have in common? They are two regions where the United States (used) to have influence. However, nowadays our influence isn’t just waning but is being replaced by the two countries that have made…


April 30, 2024

It’s been four years since the planet faced a global threat that brought the world to its knees. Whether you call it COVID or The Pandemic, either name evokes a mix of memories, mostly bad. But time has passed…


April 29, 2024

There’s no doubt Israel’s actions in Gaza are reverberating around the globe. News came over the weekend that arrest warrants for officials of Israel and Hamas may be forthcoming from the International Criminal Court in The Hague for violating…


April 26, 2024

CCTV. Any fan of BBC crime shows knows what those four letters refer to. It means the police will catch their culprit because he/she will be caught on video being somewhere they said they weren’t. CCTV or security cameras…


April 25, 2024

The ‘spoken word’ is persuasive. Whether it comes in the form of political rhetoric, protest chants or Tik Tok videos, words have the potential to persuade people to think one way or another. Words are especially influential when they’re…


April 24, 2024

When COVID confined us all to our homes, we knew that being with people outside our immediate family raised our risk of contracting the disease, unless we wore masks and got vaccinated. So, in a place where strangers are…


April 23, 2024

It just makes sense that if every month we’re breaking heat records that this ‘hot’ trend can only continue. It is and climatologists are warning unusual heat will occur in the tropics this summer. We’ve seen it happening everywhere…


April 22, 2024

Over the decades, the rest of the world has caught up, and in many cases, surpassed the United States when it comes to the ‘American Dream.’ Other developed countries, and a few less developed, have less gun violence, rank…


April 19, 2024

I thought the polls had to be wrong. How could Latinos throw their support behind Trump, endorse the border wall and be in favor of limiting migration into the US? Then I saw this study. It’s long been known…


April 18, 2024

When the legalization of cannabis first began to sweep the nation, the intentional use was for medical purposes. However, recreational users soon overtook the market. Now, a new study highlights just who is using the most weed; Ever think…


April 17, 2024

Israel’s intense retaliation on Hamas in Gaza has drawn worldwide condemnation for all the lives of innocent Palestinians caught in the (figuratively-speaking) crossfire. Condemnation of Israel has permeated our college campuses and Main Street USA, with an astonishing rise…


April 16, 2024

A selling point in any national political contest between opposing parties has always been if the party in power has kept people safe. Not so much on the international stage but within its own borders. The GOP like to…


April 15, 2024

Former President Trump likes to boast — a lot. He claims to be the first, and best, at anything he thinks bolsters his image. However, what is happening today hardly enhances his standing in the nation or history. He…